"Gage." Sandy screeched.

"Chloe, shut up." Gage barked.

"Stop it, Gage," Collin said.

"You shut up too," Gage said. Both Collin and Chloe looked hurt, unable to speak against his command.

"Now make her pay for breaking my nose." Sandy screeched. Gage turned facing Mac but she was only smiling back.

"Oh, little bitty Gage. You couldn't hurt me, even if you wanted to." Mac said, she was about to shove him out of the way but somebody beat her to it. He went flying through the air straight into Sandy that was on his side. They fell to the floor with a thump.

"You can't touch her." It was Brett's beta, Fred, he still had cuts and bruises all over his face. He also had his usual thugs behind them. "To hurt her is to declare war on Alpha Brett's pack." Mac raised an eyebrow with surprise and so did the rest of the group.

"Wow," Gage said standing up. "You really are a whore now aren't you." Gage spat at Mac. He walked away not helping Sandy up or waiting for Collin and Chloe to follow.

"Gage." Sandy screeched after a moment and followed him down the hallway.

Mac fixed her shirt collar and then looked up at the guy. "Thanks, but I could have handled it myself."

"Alpha Brett's orders,"  Fred said. "He also wanted me to give you this, for tonight's date." He snapped his fingers and one of the thugs brought flowers out from behind his back, yellow roses.

"Um, thanks?" Mac said surprised. Fred didn't say anything just headed off to his class, the thugs following. "That was weird," Mac said. Collin and Chloe both opened and closed their mouths trying to talk. "You can talk again," Mac said, letting her Alpha tone seep into it.

"What happened?" Chloe said happy she could speak again, she wasn't sure how long she would have been stuck like that.

"How are we speaking?" Collin said.

"I'm not sure," Mac said to both questions. She looked down at the roses and then back at her locker trying to figure out if she should put them in the locker or carry them around.

"Pretty flowers," Chloe said looking them over. "You should get me flowers." She said the last part to Collin.

"I will," Collin said.

Mac looked up the hallway that Gage and Sandy walked down.

"I'm sorry," Collin said to Mac. "I'm not sure what is going on with him. I think it is Sandy who brings it out of him."

"He's an asshole," Mac said.

"Lucky that guy showed up," Collin said.

"Mac could have taken Gage," Chloe said smiling.

"That I could have," Mac said smiling.

"So..." Chloe said looking at the flowers again. "Why is Alpha Brett protecting you?"

"Um, I met him yesterday and I guess we are going to hang out tonight," Mac said. Chloe screaming out in delight.

"What are you going to wear? How are you going to do your hair? Isn't he dreamy." Chloe said swooning. Collin faked coughed bringing her back to reality. "Sorry."

"Good for you," Collin said. "You should be moving on."

"I'm not sure if it is about moving on," Mac said.

"Well, revenge works too," Collin said smiling.

"We should probably head to class now," Chloe said, the bell ringing about twenty minutes ago.

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