Off to Neverland (41)

Start from the beginning

“Then let’s hang out today!” Terra suggested, sounding excited that she actually got to see me after so long. “We could invite Henry and Jimmy, too! Oh, and Simon!”

“Not Simon,” I blurted without even thinking, and I felt like bashing myself over the head.

“What?” Terra asked, obviously confused. “Why wouldn’t you want Simon to hang out with us? He’s your best friend.”

“I’ll explain it when we’re at your house,” I grumbled, not in the mood to tell her everything that was wrong with my life over the phone. “I’ll see you in an hour, okay?”

I could just picture Terra nodding. “Okay! Henry and Jimmy will probably already be here when you get here!”

“Alright,” I sighed before placing the phone back down on the receiver. I stared down at it, kind of wishing that Jack would call me back. But then when I thought about it, I was glad that he wasn’t going to call me back. He was probably having a great time with that girl…

At that thought, tears filled my eyes and fell down my cheeks. They just kept coming and coming, and they wouldn’t stop no matter how hard I wiped at my eyes.

“You shouldn’t cry over him,” I heard a new voice now say, and I spun around to see Eli in the doorway. I wiped at the tears that slid down my cheeks, not wanting Eli to see me cry. “You shouldn’t even care about that asshole after everything he’s done to you.”

“I know, I just… I just…”

I couldn’t think of anything to say to him. I knew that he was right; I knew I shouldn’t have cared about Jack anymore. But did anyone really expect me to just get over it so easily? No! It had only been four days. It had only been four days, and Jack was already with some other girl that wasn’t Emma or me…

“I’m an idiot,” I finally moaned, collapsing into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “I never should have fallen in love with him. I should have just listened to what you and everyone else said to me. He’s a player. He’s nothing but a player…”

Eli said nothing. He stood there before me, just staring down at me as if he had no idea what to say. I didn’t want him to talk; I wanted to just sit there in silence so I could think about what to do.

Well, first off I wanted to kill the girl that Jack was with. I didn’t know if it was because I was jealous or if it was because I was upset. Whoever that girl was, she didn’t mean anything to Jack. He loved Emma, not whoever he was with.

“Kissing Simon didn’t help you at all,” Eli now said, and I wanted to cover my ears so I didn’t have to be reminded of it. I hadn’t been thinking straight when I had kissed him! If I knew Jack had been there, I never would have done anything! “It just got Jack angrier about everything that’s been going on.”

“Simon’s in love with me,” I snapped, standing up from the chair now and almost toppling over from how dizzy I had gotten. “He asked me if I could just kiss him once. What was I supposed to do? He’s been in love with me ever since we were kids!”

“So you’ll just go and kiss people that say that they’re in love with you?” Eli asked, his eyebrows furrowing at me now. “Is that what you do?”

“What?” I blinked, not expecting this question from him.

“What if I said I was in love with you?”

I stared up at him in complete shock. “What?”

“Would you kiss me and not regret it right afterwards?” he questioned, taking a step toward me now. His face was completely serious, and it was freaking me out just a little bit. “Would you kiss me and then not think about Jack afterwards?”

Off to NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now