Chapter 13 - The Deals

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(Reader's POV)

The dim lightbulb was the only thing that ever really lit up the dark 4 by 4 room.

Sarada was tied to the chair, her arms behind her back and strapped onto it, her feet both tied around the chair.

Her vision was blurry as hell. Her head felt like it was spinning rapidly like a toy of some sort, now wasn't the time for her to try to remember the name.

She looked around the poorly lit room, trying to find a living thing at least.

"I see you're awake now." A mysterious voice said. From what Sarada could hear, she knew it was a man.

"Who are you?!" Sarada yelled angrily, trying to get out of the tightly tied rope that strangled her wrists, it was even turning a bit purple.

"Must you know?, I am Scar. I believe you're an Uchiha..hmm..very..interesting.." He said the word 'interesting' in a slithery voice, almost like a snake.

Scar smirked and continued "The boss didn't say anything about getting an Uchiha.. Maybe I could play with you for a bit," Scar walked towards Sarada and sniffed her hair ", maybe have a little fun.." Sarada furrowed her eyebrows and spat at him.

"Disgusting Uchiha!" A slap interacted with Sarada's face. The following sound of it rang throughout the room and out.

If Boruto were to see this, he would've gone berserk onto Scar.

"I don't care what you think of me. Tell me who you're working for!" Sarada yelled furiously. Scar scoffed "A mere peasant like you doesn't deserve to know." "And a fucking idiot like you doesn't deserve to live." Scar rose an eyebrow and asked "How am I an idiot?" "Because you didn't notice, while we were talking, I cut the ropes off using the kunai on the floor."

Scar's eyes widened, before he could move, Sarada lunged at Scar and put the kunai over his throat.

"Talk!" Sarada yelled once more. "Ok fine!, we're the Ukonames!, our leader ordered us to kill Boruto Uzumaki!!" Sarada's eyes widened in fear..

'So what the Lord Seventh was saying is real..' Sarada thought.

"How come you're completely weak?!, The Hokage said you were strong!"

"That was before.. Our leader took most of the rest's chakra in order for him to grow even more powerful, means he also took mine," Scar answered "but may I warn you, girl.. Our Leader would stop at nothing to kill Boruto Uzumaki.."

"What does that leader have against Boruto?!, he didn't do anything wrong!" "That's what I don't know.." Scar murmured.

Sarada groaned in frustration and stated "I'll make a deal with you. If you help me get into your hideout and get out with Boruto safely, I'll let you live. But that doesn't mean I'll let you go freely. The seventh would want you under the protection of the ANBU."

Scar nodded quickly and said "Yes, yes, I promise!"

"Good. If I get there and Boruto is hurt, I will slaughter you all.."

(Boruto's POV)

I sat at the corner of the prison-like room and sighed.

My right eye is swelling madly, I've got cuts and bruises all over my body and face, now I'm starving and I'm thirsty as hell.

A guard was in front of my cell. I whistled quick to catch his attention "Yo, dumbass. Since I'm staying here, why not get me some food and drinks?, I AM the guest here, dattebasa!" "Shut up or else I'll cut off your god damn tongue." "Yeesh, feisty are we?, was just asking for some refreshments.."

I could hear the guard grunt in annoyance.

Geez, how long 'till I pass out and die?..

I stared at the ceiling before an idea came into mind.

My hands are tied as well as my feet, the room was strictly placed with talismans that prevent me from using any jitsu/s, I can't even use my byakugan because of it.

So I thought of something. But this might fail.

"Hey, metal-head. Do you have a family?" I asked.

The guard seemed like he was in his 40s, so I assumed he had a child of some sort of a lover.

"That information is classified. Will you just shut up?, I'm not even allowed to talk to you." He said.

"Let me guess, your boss said if you let me free they'll kill your family?" I replied.

"H-How.." The guard was now shaking in his boots. I smirked in success and continued "You do know, he's going to kill them either way, right?, I can help you with that. If you let me free, I promise I'll kill that leader of yours, so that your family and you can be free." The guard gulped and shook his head nervously.

"N-No.." I frowned and tried to pursue him "C'mon, freedom for freedom.. Don't you ever feel as if your children miss ya?" "Y-Yeah..but..," he sighs in defeat and nodded.

"It's a deal."

A/N oh my bloody hell I am so sorry. I didn't have any free time due to my projects, tests, assignments, group project, and stuff that relates to school. I've also been pretty busy with my family, due to the endless traveling I've been doing.. I'm truly sorry you guys, even if I did have free time I was losing interest..

Guys, I wanted to ask if I should continue this book or just abandon it?..maybe unpublish?.. I don't know, it's up to you guys.

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