Chapter 10 - Go

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(Reader's POV)


"Huh?" Boruto murmured as he remained in his position. He activated his byakugan and heard 2 voices whispering to each other. He knew it was definitely not his group. Boruto slowly reached for his kunai which was in front of him, stuck onto the branch.

The whispering stopped.

Boruto quickly reached for the kunai, but was stopped by an unknown man wearing a mask and a black cloak. The man grabs Boruto's wrists and put it behind his back, he stomped both of his feet onto Boruto's, allowing Boruto to completely be moveless.

The other man, who was in front of him, had a long blue spiky hair that covered his eyes, he also had a black cloak.

Boruto asked "Who the hell are you?!" The man in front of him smirked and said "No one you should know. Now come with me child, unless you want your friends and the villagers to burn down, just as we did at Sunagakure." Boruto gritted his teeth and yelled "YOU BURNED SUNAGAKURE DOWN!" His yell caused the others to wake up immediately.

Naruto jumped up from the ground and yelled "BORUTO?!" "Dad!" The others looked up, seeing Boruto with a kunai almost slitting his throat, but it was definitely bleeding.

"Heh, don't try to fight back. You'll only kill your villagers." Naruto's eyes widened in fear, as the others did as well. The man continued "We have hundreds of men ready to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village. If you want it to survive, I suggest you leave. We'll be taking this boy with us." "That's bullshit!" Yuki protested. They weren't about to leave a friend behind, not ever. But this time it's different.

Boruto looked down and up at the man, who was smirking in amusement. He sighs and said "Alright. Then I assume you'd keep your word?" "I'd die before I break a promise. Shall we then?" Boruto nods.

Naruto clenched his fists in anger and yelled "No!, you can't!" Boruto smiled weakly at his Dad and said "Sorry Dad. I don't want the village to be destroyed..more especially the villagers..especially Sarada.." He whispered the last part, not wanting them to hear.

Sasuke looked down and stated "We need to go. We must ensure the safety of the village." Yuki looks at the adults and continued protesting "What?!, this is Boruto we're talking about!, your student?, son?, your friend?!, how could you just let him sacrifice himself!, you—!" Mitsuki interrupted Yuki "Either way. Even if Boruto was saved, the village will be destroyed. Boruto might even commit suicide for feeling bad, so what's the point?, saving the whole village's lives by letting our friend sacrifice himself?, or saving none at all?" Mitsuki made a point. No one could protest to that theory.

The man who had the kunai threw it to the ground and clapped slowly "What a wonderful drama series!" But then he frowned and continued "But it's irritating. It's taking up my precious time. So I suggest you leave. Now."

Naruto and the others looked hesitant to leave, but Boruto said one word that made them leave:


A/N Oh my god please don't kill me. I know I haven't updated in a while!, but that's because I'm currently doing my exams!, heck I ain't even studying.. But oh well, I don't want to study and not write. I'll try to update the next chapter LONGER than this 500+ one. See ya!

P.S I actually have a project where I can make a 3-chapter-story about this quote:

"You should always share your capabilities."

Well..even though it's a group project, I volunteered 'cause I love writing. And soo...any ideas?

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