Chapter 1 - I'm Doomed..

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(Boruto's POV)

*beep beep beep beep beep*

I lazily smashed my hand onto the turn-off button of my annoying alarm clock. I groaned and sat up. This is annoying as hell.. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was shirtless and only wearing my blue jeans.

"What day is it?" I asked myself. I grabbed my phone and looked at the date and time.. Huh, it was Sunday 10:37AM..I must've slept in. I unlock my phone and "HOLY CRAP!" The first notification— err, notifications I see are missed calls and messages from none other than my best friend Sarada Uchiha.

I gulped and saw her messages. 26 missed calls..74 unseen messages.. I'm screwed. I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I opened my wardrobe and just picked some clothes and wore it.

I rushed downstairs to see my mom and Himawari eating breakfast. Mom said "Oh, Boruto, come eat." I ran to the door and replied "No thanks mom, gotta go, I won't be home for dinner!, bye mom!" And left. Ehh, it was true though, I probably won't be home for dinner, I'll be dead by then.

While I was running I checked the messages she sent me.

Sarada: Oi, where are you?
Sarada: Boruto?
Sarada: I swear if you don't reply right now, I'm coming to kill you.
Sarada: why aren't you answering any of my calls?!
Sarada: don't tell me you forgot!

"Crap!" I yell. I completely forgot that it was Daisuke's birthday!, if you're wondering who Daisuke is, he's none other than Sarada's 5-year-old baby brother. Uncle Sasuke will slaughter me..

I ran to the mall to get tons of gifts for Daisuke, god help me. Good thing I have my wallet..let's hope that Daisuke will love all the over-priced and many presents..

(20 minutes later..)

I rang the doorbell, holding about 12 gifts wrapped nicely. "Good lord help me.." I murmured to myself. A few seconds later, someone opened the door. It was Sarada who was holding Daisuke, Daisuke's eyes were puffy and was full of tears, while Sarada had a worryingly face on him. Sarada turned her attention to me and gave me a death-look that said 'I'm-gonna-kill-you-later'. Daisuke finally noticed me and his face beamed with joy. He jumped down from Sarada and hugs my legs "Hey there Daisuke!, sorry Big Bro Boruto is late!, I bought you tons of cool presents!" He giggled and looked up at me and said "That's owkay!, as wong as you're here!" Even though he was 5 years old, some of his words are either mispronounced or just completely changed.

Daisuke takes my hand and drags me to the living room, and while I was passing through the door, Sarada still had the death glare. Her arms were crossed and her brows were furrowed. I whispered "Don't furrow your face, you'll get wrinkles and ruin your beauty." I could see her get flustered, heh, I know my ways of getting out of an almost-death-murderer.

When we reached the living room, I placed the gifts down on the carpet and see Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura. I gulped in fear and greeted them "Good morning, Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura!" Aunt Sakura had a joyful face on, while Sasuke-san..not so much.

Daisuke runs to Aunt Sakura and asked "Can I open the presents?" And he pointed to the presents gathered on the middle of the carpet. She nods in response and said "Sasuke and I will go make food, keep Daisuke company, ok Boruto?" "Will do, dattebasa!" Both of them left. And as soon as they did I let my breath out in relief.

Sarada was suddenly in front of me, her foot tapping on the floor and her arms crossed while she stared at me with disappointment. I knelt down on both knees and bowed down to her saying "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYY, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" I swear she was about to, but Daisuke held her hand and begged "Please dwon't hwurt Boruto.." Daisuke used his special cutesy face and gave me a thumbs-up behind his back. Arigato Daisuke!

"Fine..but I'm gonna have to talk to Boruto for a minute, wait here, ok?"

I'm doomed..

A/N If you're wondering why I changed the chapter title, it's because it sounded Not a lot of people know about Daisuke Uchiha (fandom made), so they're not too interested in the I changed it to "I'm Doomed.."

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