"Am I still in the friend zone?" Alex looked over at me as I smiled. "Mmm yes, you are." I kissed her cheek


Surprisingly Alex spent the night with me and I say it's surprising because I expected her to be gone once I woke up.

"Yeah, take this too cause I bought it for you and this, this one too." Alex piled all the gifts she had bought for me onto my arms.

"Alex, I can't see." I laughed poking my head to the side.

"I'm sorry I just don't want you to leave me." She pouted taking some things away from me and putting it in a box with my name on it.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." I quickly kissed her then went back to packing. "Baby look." I held up the very first shirt that she let me wear.

"Aye man, I want dat back."

I folded it quickly shoving it in a box and moved onto the rest of my closet.

"LayLay you want anything to eat?"

I shook my head while Alex jetted out of my room to find something to eat I'm guessing. She could be hungry for days and not say anything.

A new life ahead of me time to start thinking about how I want to change myself. Maybe I'll grow my hair out and get a bunch of tattoos, start off with a new appearance.

I wonder what Carmen's doing. I know it's not appropriate for me to be thinking of her but it's been a couple of days and she hasn't come to school at all.

"Best sandwich ever." Alex sat back down talking with her mouth full.

"Where's Carmen?" I closed my now empty closet looking for more stuff to take with me.

"Tucked away in a corner."

"I would like to see her."Alex looked up at me like I was crazy but I'm serious as could be. I shoved my keys against her then led her outside.

This should be exciting.


Carmen winced in pain as Lani untied the ropes from her wrist. "Oh, I ain't even hit you that hard, ole cry baby ass." I rolled my eyes as Lani sat down on the floor.

"Can you get me a cup of water."

"She doesn't need water," I mumbled leaving them getting a cup of water.

"Cup of water my ass, she perfectly fine, I barely touched her," I said under my breath giving Lani the cup.

"You didn't feed her at all? Alex, look at her! She's stick and bones!" "But she hurt you! Why do you care so much about her?" I raised my voice watching Carmen cuddling into her.

"You hurt me too right? We're together right? So do me a favor and please get her something to eat."

Hate having a sensitive side for this girl.

"Whatever," I mumbled leaving the room. I drove out to Burger King since Carmen is 'starving' and Lani would appreciate it if she ate. Lani is dramatic, next time I'm not even gonna do anything I'm just calling 911 and keep my life moving.

I clenched onto the Burger King bag rolling my eyes at Lani still holding Carmen.

"Hope you're fucking happy, you hear that you crazy bitch? I hope yo ass is happy even though you don't deserve it but since my girlfriend wants to pity you I gotta act like I care for you." I balled up a fist getting ready to swing but I just couldn't do it.

"Sit down and eat okay? I'll be back in a minute." Lani stood up dragging me into another room.

"Why do you care so much for someone who beat you?"

"Take your pants off," Lani instructed me and of course I followed. "You just need to relax." Lani smiled laying me down on the table and pulled down my boxers.

"Just give in to me."

Shorty is really gonna suck the life out of me. I've never been so excited in my entire life.


Tough LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon