Dragons and Texas

Start from the beginning

They left for Texas few days later.
When Ben had called them, he had told them that they needed to film a sort of presentation as well and they had to do it in their hometown.
At the beginning, they thought about filming it in L.A. but it didn't seem right since none of them was from there.
So, even if the city of angels was the place where they first meet, they preferred to consider Arlington as the hometown of the entire band since everything had started with the trio.
As soon as they had decided, Kevin and Avi, the most responsible and the oldest of the group, had booked the flight and now they were on the plane to Texas.
Kirstie was super excited since she hadn't been seen her mother since the Easter break, as well as Scott, while Mitch was whining about leaving.
-We are going to be back in L.A. before you even realize it-Scott was trying to tell him but he didn't want to listen to reason.
-You maybe bur do you really think my parents would let me go before we actually have to?-
-Well, I'm not planning to go back before we have to –
-But then how are we going to rehearse? I mean-
-Trying to put together things even if we weren't in the same city didn't work that bad last time-
-This doesn't mean that we cannot do it better if we actually work together like we are supposed to! -
-I know Mitch, but think about it. Once we leave, we are not going to see our family and friends until Christmas break so we should delay our departure as long as we can! -
-I really don't agree-
-You don't have to. If you want to leave earlier be my guest, but I'm staying and I bet Kirstie would agree with me. You don't know how it is to be far away from everyone you love-
-But this time is going to be different. Me and Kirstie will be with you, we are going to be together. And Avi and Kevin will be with us as well! -
-Ok, it's going to be different, but still......Anyway, I don't think we should talk about it now and I'm sure we should see what the others think about it as well. I bet Kevin want to come back home to before the show starts-
-Ok, but we are going to talk about that-
-Of course we are Mitch-
-What are you two discussing about? -Avi asked, joining the duo.
-Nothing really important right now. I was just telling Mitchie how excited I am to introduce you and Kevin to my family. I think they are going to love you both-
-I hope so-the bass replied with a smile.
-I bet someone else can't wait to introduce you to the family and I bet her mother is going to love you as well-Mitch said with a smirk, earning a nudge from his best friend.
-I was talking about me you idiot! -the brunette protested, making Avi laugh.
-You seem an old married couple, you know that, don't you? -
The two old friends looked at each other and laughed as well, one of Scott's arm around Mitch's shoulders.
-What are you laughing about? -Kirstie asked with a cheerful voice.
-Just the usual-Avi replied.
-Mitch and Scott arguing? -Kevin guessed.
-What else? -
Now everyone was laughing.
They were interrupted by a voice on the speaker, calling their flight.
Avi helped Kirstie carrying the huge suitcase she had brought with herself from college, while Kevin helped Scott with his.
They took their seats.
None of them was supposed to seat next to someone else of the group, but they had been lucky enough to find 5 places in a direct flight so they weren't complaining and, anyway, they hoped to convince someone to switch seats.
Only Scott and Mitch managed to seat next to each other, while the other were still scattered around the plane.
Not that it was a problem since Kevin fell asleep the moment they took off and Avi followed him soon enough, straight after taking a picture of his sleeping friend.
Kirstie took a book out of her backpack and got lost into the story so much that almost didn't realize that they were landing.
-My parents are going to collect us at the airport so we don't have to take the bus-Scott told them when they were waiting to get their luggages.
-Scotty, your parents don't have space for all of us in their car-Mitch pointed out.
-Well, only my father is coming and his car has 6 seats. Perfect, isn't it? -
-Is your mother coming to my place later, Kit? I know my family want to have a sort of celebratory dinner and Mitch's parents already said they were coming-the blond added after a moment.
-If the Grassi are coming I bet mum is coming as well but I can't say. I haven't heard from her in quite a while if you don't count the messages I sent her to let her know that we were on the plane and stuff like that-
Kirstie and her mother were really close since it had always been just the two of them were she was a kid and even now her relationship with her father wasn't the best, so her mother was pretty much all the family she had.
Not calling her at least once a day or once every other day was very unusual for them, but Kirstin had been so busy with the guys that had never had time to call and messages had never been her mother thing.
-Well, I bet my mother knows. I'm ready to bet that they talk to each other as much as when we were in high school if not more-Scott said, trying to cheer her up and making her smile.
When the luggage arrived Avi and Kevin helped Scott and Kirstie carrying theirs, like they had done in L.A. and followed them out of the airport, where Scott's father was already waiting with the happiest face anyone could have.
-We have missed you son-he said, hugging the blond, as soon as he could.
-I've missed you too dad. Are my sisters home? -
-Of course they are! They didn't want to waste a chance to meet your new friends. They were curious about them just as much as I am-
-Well, here you go. Dad, they are Avi and Kevin-the boy said pointing at them, which quickly shook the man's hand.
-You are the one that goes to Yale? -Scott's father asked Avi, who shook his head.
-I'm not ser. Kevin here is the one who studies pre-me there. I'm majoring in opera in California-
-Opera? Really nice! I haven't been much at the opera myself but it must be amazing-
-It is ser. I really like it-
-Stop with the sir already. It's Rick, all right? -
-Yes ser. I mean, ok.....Rick-Avi said blushing, while the others tried to hide their laugh.
Rick helped everyone putting their suitcase in the trunk of the car and then took his place in the driver seat and started the engine.
-Avi and Kevin. You two are going to stay at our place in the guest room, I hope it's ok for you-
-It's perfect. I hope we are not a bother to you-Kevin said politely.
-Non-sense. You are Scott's friends. Better even: you are Scott's bandmate. You couldn't be a bother to us even if you wanted to be-
During the entire ride Rick asked all sort of question to all of them and Avi and Kevin couldn't avoid seeing how he treated Mitch and Kirstie almost as if they were his children as well.
They must have been super close during their childhood.
When they arrived at Arlington he didn't left the other two members of the trio at their place, as Avi and Kevin had thought, but drove straight to his house.
-No point in going home when your families are going to be there in a couple of hours-he told Kirstie and Mitch.
-So, is my mum coming as well? -she asked.
-Of course sweety! Do you really think that Angie would have lost an opportunity to celebrate her amazing daughter and her friends? No, she is coming as soon as she finishes her shift at work-
Kirstie seemed relieved and Avi could help but smile.
Scott's sisters were not at home when they arrived so his father told them that they could go in Scott's room to rehearse if they wanted and he would bring them a piece of the cake his wife had made especially for when they came home and so they did.
When Scott's mother came home, more than an hour later, they were still singing, trying to arrange a new song in order to have something ready to use when the show started.
-Are the kids upstairs Rick? -she asked to her husband, leaving her bag on the kitchen counter, where he was eating his slice of cake.
-Don't you hear them Connie? -
-I do, but I didn't know they were bringing a drum as well-she replied, perplexed.
Rick started to laugh and handed her a piece of cake.
-this is not a drum love. This is Kevin, the beatboxer Scott was telling us about-
-Oh god. He really sounds like a drum set! He is really good! -
-They all are. Listen-
From upstairs they can hear the voices of the kids, melting in one perfect sound like they were meant to sing together.
-They can make it Connie, I can feel it. This is the right time, the right way.
This group will reach success-
-I feel it as well Rick. They can make it, and I'm not thinking only at the show. They will make us proud-


I'm so so sorry I haven't posted anything in forever but I got caught up with work and stuff, but you probbaly don't care.

Anyway, I'm sorry this chapter is awful and awfully short, but it was a transition chapter and I suck at those,so....
Next one will be about the competition so I hope tehy will be a bit better.

In any case I would much appreciate any comment you have about the story, I'd love to know what you think about it!

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