High School 3 - No Ship

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Trigger warning: suicide, abusive father, cringe all around

1972 words, damm


"What am I, Logan?"

"...a human?"

Roman groaned and dropped his head onto the table, blocking out the noises of other students in the cafeteria. "I mean what type of person, nerd"

"Oh, you can be a bully, you are not that friendly-"

"Okay! Disney...I thought we were supposed to be friends"

"Someone who uses "Disney" as an exclamation is not my friend" Logan replied.

"DO NOT DARE DISS DISNEY!" Roman yelled, gaining the attention of everyone, counting Virgil and Patton. He looked around the room, "Disney is my shit, Nerd" He did the Z click motion and dramatically stood up, kicking a bin over before he left the room.

Logan sighed and finished his food, getting up to go after him when someone stopped him.

"Hi, Logan!" Came Pattons cheery voice. Holding back a sigh he turned around, raising his eyebrow. He noticed Virgil standing next to him, everyone else in the room going back to what they were doing before Romans outburst.

"You okay? I know Roman can be a handful" Patton smiled. Logan narrowed his eyes, not very nice to people who would insult his friend.

"Why are you even friends with that douche? All he does is insult you" Virgil piped up, crossing his arms. Logan shook his head and adjusted his glasses.

"Both if you are incompetent" he spoke, "None of you know what Roman is like, neither do you know what he is going through, yes how he...we acted to you is unforgivable but do not forget everyone else acted the exact same way" Logan said with an annoyed expression.

"Why would he be a bully just to be a bully? You seem to forget he is human too, do you think what he does doesn't affect him also?"

"Then why does he do it?" Virgil asked.

"You would never understand" Logan replied. Suddenly the cafeteria doors slammed open and Roman came in, yelling.


(Why can I relate ^)

Logan turned to Patton and Virgil, "I have to go, next time think before you speak bad to me about my friend" with that he turned around and followed Roman out of the door.

Patton turned to Virgil. "Romans going through something?" Patton asked, eyebrows drawn.

"Yes...and I want to know what"

After school the two secretly followed Roman home, Logan had to catch the bus as he lived five miles away while Roman only had a ten minute walk. The whole duration Roman kept on singing Disney songs loudly, you'd expect a fifteen year old bully to be a bit more...masculine, but whatever.

Patton and Virgil stopped and hid behind a large tree, watching Roman walk into his house. "What now?" Patton whispered, Virgil smirked. "Follow me"

Patton grabbed him before he left, "is this...bad? You know, following him? Trying to find out stuff that is probably personal?"

"Yep, one hundred percent"

"Then why are we doing it?"

Virgil sighed and turned to face the worried boy, "I hate him and he hates me...but if he is going through what I think he is then I want to help as much as I can, I know how much it can hurt" Virgil explained.

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