Drunken Confessions - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: drunk behaviour

Thomas was editing a video when it happened, his brain suddenly filled with unicorns, butterflies, colourful flowers and other beautiful things like that. Confused he called for Roman, who would sometimes override Thomas's thoughts with random things.

"Greetings, Thomas!" Roman appeared, holding his arms up in his signature pose. "Is there anything I can help you with? Or do you just need to see my beautiful complexion?"

"We have the same face, I could literally look into a mir-"

"Shh shh, don't steal my moment"

Thomas sighed, "anyway" he carried on, sitting up and putting his laptop to one side.

"Why am I thinking of unicorns and stuff? All I can think of is fluffy...bright coloured...happy things, is it you?"

Roman held his chin, looking away for a few seconds in thought before turning back to Thomas. "Er...no, I am sure it is nothing, you can just will it away!"

"I've tried that, I can't think anything else...it's starting to give me a headache" Thomas held his head in his hands and Roman gave him a worried look.

"It must be Patton! He's the happy, cutesy loveable side!" Roman summoned Patton, asking him if he knew why Thomas could only think of what he told Roman.

"Oh I'm sorry Kiddo I don't know, maybe a joke would help!" Patton grinned

"It probably won't, Morality-"

"Knock knock!" He happily said, waiting patiently for one to reply. Roman sighed, "who's there?"


"Etch who?"

"Bless you!" He giggled, Roman sighed but gave the Dad like trait a smile, just for how cute he was being.

"Did it help at all, kiddo?"

"Do you want the serious answer?"


"No, sorry Pat"

"Oh...its okay, kiddo!"

"I'm not your chi-"

"Maybe it's Virgil who's given Thomas all these thoughts!" Patton suggested, not noticing he cut off Thomas.

"That endless pit of fear and darkness? I'd be surprised if he even knew what a unicorn was!" Roman replied, denying Pattons suggestion.

Thomas shrugged, "its worth a shot"

Patton summoned Virgil and he looked around, confused. "I thought we'd finished today's video....?"

"We did, Kiddo! We just want to know if you're giving Thomas all his happy thoughts! Y'know, about unicorns and all around fluffiness!" Patton explained, Virgil gave him a confused stare.

"A what?" He asked, referring to the unicorn.

"Told you" Roman smirked.

"Guys" Thomas rubbed his temples, "it could only be one person...Logic...?" Roman stated, confused. Since when did that emotionless drone think about anything but logical things?

"Just ask" Virgil shrugged, summoning the side. No one expected Logan to come up drunk, he held a bottle of beer in his hand and he swayed, trying to stay balanced even if he was only standing up.

"Logan?" Patton took a few steps towards him, Logan muttered a few things under his breath, his eyes falling shut every few seconds.

"Why is he drunk?" Virgil asked, watching as Patton tried to keep the logical side upright.

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