Babysitting - No Ship

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Trigger warning: near-death experience

"Thank you for this, Patton" Thomas smiled, they shared a short hug. "Don't worry Kiddo!"

"I'm not your child, I'm older then you-"

"Roman and Virgil are in safe hands" Patton grinned, Thomas sighed but smiled. He waved and walked to the front door.

"Daddy?" Virgil said, taking a few small steps towards him. Thomas turned around and bent down, kissing his head. "I'll be back in a few hours, I love you, and you Roman!"

"Love you too, Dad!" Roman called from the living room, Virgil frowned and hugged his Dad's legs. Thomas picked him up and hugged him tightly, handing him to Patton.

"But-but! I don't want you to weave!" Virgil cried, making grabby hands towards him.

"I need to, I'm sorry. Time will go by fast, okay?" Thomas kissed his head again and left, leaving Virgil and Roman with Patton.

Virgil instantly dropped the act and wriggled from Pattons arms, landing on the floor and running to his brother. Patton smiled and followed the small seven year old to see him standing with his brother in the middle of the room, grinning.

"Hey kiddos! You don't look suspicious at all" he chuckled. Virgil glanced at Roman and Roman looked at him, like they were speaking through their eyes.

"Pwatton?" Virgil mumbled cutely, shooting Roman a glare Patton didn't notice, "could I have swandwich? Pwease?"

"Aw! Of course!" Patton happily headed to the kitchen, leaving Roman and Virgil alone in the living room.

"I hate acting cute" Virgil muttered, Roman grinned. "I am a better actor than you but I admit you are cuter..." He paused and Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Only because I am too hot to be cute!" He finished, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Sometimes I wonder how we're brothers" Virgil muttered, shaking his head. Roman only winked at him making Virgil gag. They set their plan into action, putting a toy train in the entrance of the room, they started of small, not wanting Patton to suspect anything yet.

Patton walked to the door, "would you two like a drink-Ah!" He cut off his sentence when he tripped on the train, dropping the plate and sandwich and crashing into the carpeted floor. The plate thankfully didn't break, Roman and Virgil sniffled a giggle.

"How did that get there" Patton whispered, frowning when he saw the sandwich.

"Don't worry Kiddos! I'll make more!" He picked up the things he dropped and rushed to the kitchen.

"Oh, now I feel bad" Virgil mumbled, Roman nudged him with his elbow. "We're kids, Verge, we don't feel bad"

Virgil frowned and crossed his arms, they have been messing with their babysitters ever since they had the first one, Thomas, their Dad, does spend a lot of time with them but they want Thomas to realise that they don't want babysitters, they want to be with him.

Patton came back in, careful not to trip over anything and set the food on the table. "I hope you like them!" He smiled, "I'll get the drinks!" With that he left again and Virgil picked up his sandwich, ready to take a bite when Roman knocked it from his hands.

"Hey! Roman!" He whined, looking at the sandwich which had fallen apart on the floor. Roman grinned.

"Act cute, you acci-...accident...accidentally(!) dropped it!" Roman said, struggling on a word.

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