Prank - Roman x Virgil

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Virgil decided that he wanted to go through all of his old junk to either throw it away or keep it and reminisce. He mostly found old toys, a few jackets which are two small, books he read ages ago and other things similar.

He dug his hand around in a box but whipped it out when he felt something...weird.

He hesitantly looked into the box and saw a red...tongue? Suddenly he remembered the gag gift Roman had given him a few years back, Virgil freaked out and dropped it to the ground. Roman got a good laugh from it.

He picked it up and twirled the strange, squishy fake tongue in his fingers, an idea slowly forming in his mind. He grinned and pushed the other boxes away, vanishing to Pattons room.

"Dad!" He called, the parent like trait appeared and smiled happily at the sight of Virgil.

"Hey kiddo! What can I help you with?"

"I have an idea for a prank..."


Everyone came home from trick or treating, they sat around the kitchen table and put all the candy on the table. Patton kept glancing at Virgil, giggling quietly every time. Virgil had the fake tongue in his pocket along with fake blood and a small blunt razor blade.

He grabbed a rather large sweet and stood up, going to the counter and leaning on it casually.

"So many candies!" Patton grinned, grabbing a small sweet and plopping it in his mouth.

"From past experiences this will not last" Logan replied, getting some candy for himself.

Patton looked over at Virgil and said, "careful son! There could be razor blades!"

"Razor blades? Patton, you actually believe that?" Roman said, rising his eyebrow.

"I'll be fine, Dad" Virgil smiled at him and turned around, when he saw the others weren't looking he put the tongue in his mouth, added the fake blood and razor blade. He was going all out for this prank, even if the fake blood tasted horrible.

He made a noise and dropped the candy, putting a hand over his mouth and turning around. The others didn't notice until he began to scream in fake pain, Roman and Logan whipped their heads towards him while Patton desperately tried not to laugh.

"Virgil? What is the matter?" Logan inquired, Virgil spat some of the blood onto the floor and Roman gasped loudly. Virgil coughed and spat out the razor blade and the tongue, blood pouring from his mouth.

"OH DEAR HEAVENS!" Roman exclaimed, jumping up and rushing to Virgils side, he saw the tongue and screamed.

"LOGAN! PHONE THE AMBULANCE!" But Logan didn't move, in fact he ate another candy without a care.


"It is a prank, you halfwit. If this was real Patton would have fainted" Logan explained calmly, "good efforts, I must admit" he added with a small shrug.

Roman looked at Virgil to see him laughing, blood still in his mouth as he actually coughed it onto the floor and the sink.

Roman narrowed his eyes, watching Virgil drink water and spit it back out.

"I hate you, I hate you all!" He declared and marched out of the room, Patton collapsed on the floor in a fit of laughter, Logan cracked a small smirk.

"The amount of times he has said that it would be a wonder if he was actually telling the truth" Logan sighed.

Virgil cleaned himself off and went to look for Roman, he quickly found him staring out of the window dramatically. Rolling his eyes Virgil hugged him from behind.

"Dude, its just a prank" He snickered.

"Whatever, you actually had me worried....over a stupid prank!" He cried, throwing his arms up.

Virgil only chuckled and leaned on Roman, enjoying his body heat.

"I hate you" Roman mumbled again.

"I love you, too"

"Oh...don't make me feel bad!"




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