Field Trip - Logan x Roman & Patton x Virgil

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Changing cover cus I can

Update: 10th November 7:13pm;

What the fuck. Why. I couldn't have added, I don't know, something more to this? I could have said this in a fucking OneShot! I filled up space with this!? Why? I might delete it and just write a new OneShot.

I'm deleting this and writing a new OneShot for this book.


"We are not lost!" Roman argued, snatching the map away from his partners eyes, speeding up his pace a little so he could read the map by himself. Virgil huffed, rolling his eyes at Roman's denial. "Just face the facts, nimrod, we're lost, and it's your fault" Roman twirled around and glared at the boy, holding the map to his chest with one hand while pointing accusingly at Virgil.

"If it weren't for you deciding to go off track to relieve yourself, we wouldn't be lost!" He countered, once again returning to the map that was swiftly stolen from his grasp by Logan.

"I could have been paired with anyone" he sighed out in annoyance, thrusting the map in Roman's direction once he realised they were, in fact, lost, and the map wouldn't help at all. "But I was paired with three morons who I do not even know" he had repeated this for the millionth time that afternoon. The teachers thought it would be a "good idea" to pair them all together because they didn't know who any of them were, and this trip could bring four strangers together.

"You didn't have to follow us, why didn't you go off with your nerd buddies?" Virgil retorted, grouching. "That would have been irresponsible of me. What was more irresponsible was the actions displayed by Patton, though, who somehow forgot to obtain any teachers' phone number! That was his only job! How do you mess that up, Patton?"

While the three had argued, Patton secluded himself on a log that had fallen over, gently playing with the sleeve of his cardigan as their arguing made his heart turn blue. Figuratively. "I don't know..." he murmured in response to Logan's question, flinching when the tie-loving boy huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Patton knew he was an idiot, he got that a lot from the nerds in the school. He had tried to befriend them once, but when he was met by their sneers and mocking laughter because he didn't know an answer to a 'simple math question' he gave up trying. It seemed no one really wanted to be his friends, the nerds were his last resort - he spent nearly all of his time in different classrooms, chatting happily with the teachers rather than the kids his age. It hurt, but he didn't want to be another issue to everyone's lives, so he bottled it up and kept that hidden away - he did have a flicker for hope for this trip, but it dwindled and died once they started to become lost - especially when the argument started up.

"Let's agree we all had some fault in this" Roman eventually caved, crumpling up the map and stowing it in his backpack. "I had nothing to do with it" Logan fired back, hands clenched by his side. Virgil stared at him in bewilderment, throwing up one arm. "Really? You were supposed to bring the compass!"

"Fine! But if we stayed on the path, we would have no need for a compass!"

"You followed me! I told you all to stay on the path!"

"Sue us for not wanting you to get hurt!" Roman jutted in, glaring at the two boys who were shorter than him.

As their words grew louder and louder, none of them expected to be silenced by a scream. Whirling around, each of their eyes widened and their entire bodies froze as they spotted what Patton had screamed at. A black bear. Admittedly, it wasn't doing anything as of yet, only staring, but that didn't stop the fear that struck each of their hearts.

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