You're Not The Bad Guy - Thomas x Virgil

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"You ruined Thomas's chances with him again!" Prince yelled at Virgil who flinched back, Patton tried to calm down Roman earlier but it was no use, Roman was furious.

"You told- You promised you wouldn't interfere!" Roman yelled again, pacing around the room and tugging his hair.

"Roman I-"

"Do not Roman me" Prince snarled, turning to Virgil with a look that dared him to speak again.

"Roman, it wasn't his fault" Patton tried to defend him

"Wasn't his fault!?" Roman barked back, turning to Patton now. "Thomas is going to be alone forever and it's all because of him!" Roman pointed at Virgil who was on the verge of tears, pressing against the wall behind him and trying to hide in his jacket.

"That is an overstatement, one wrong relationship will not leave Thomas incapable of dating again" Logan said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"What if Virgil does something to a future relationship? What if he never stops!?"

"We don't know that!" Patton yelled, Logan and Virgil stared at him with wide eyes. Patton never yelled and never got angry, this was new and scary.

Roman turned to Virgil and walked up to him, Virgil sunk back and closed his eyes, bracing himself for whatever Roman would do.

"Why? Why do you do it? Why can't you leave Thomas alone!?" He asked desperately, staring intently at Virgil.


"Because what?" Roman snapped.

"Because I love him!" Virgil screamed back, tears pouring from his eyes.

"I- I love him" he croaked, no one noticed Thomas in the corner of the room, watching the argument. He gasped quietly, Virgil liked- loved him?

"I'm sorry" Virgil sunk down and ran straight to his room, slamming and locking the door. He tugged at his hair and sobbed loudly, collapsing to the floor and balling up. He couldn't believe he had let out his two year long secret - they hate him, Virgil was sure of it.

Meanwhile Patton, Logan and Roman all stared in shock and surprise at the wall Virgil was just pressed against, running what Virgil had said in their mind over and over.

Roman slowly felt the weight of guilt press on his chest, he didn't mean to get that angry...

Thomas quietly sunk down himself, going straight to Virgils room.

(Thomas can do that right? He can now anyway)

"Virgil?" He softly called, knocking on the door. He could hear Virgils sobs and it broke his heart.

"Virgil? Open the door, please" he called louder, trying the door handle.

"No! Go-go away!" Virgil shouted back

"Virgil I'm not leaving" Thomas replied and leaned on the door, closing his eyes.

"Virgil, please" he quietly begged, after a few minutes of silence he heard shuffling, leaning back the door opened a crack and Thomas saw Virgils red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.


"I'm sorry" Virgil cut him off, using his sleeves to clean his cheeks. "I know-know you hate m-"

"Hate? Virgil, when have I ever said I hate you? I don't hate you and I never will, neither will the others. Please let me in? We can talk about this" Virgil bit his lip and reluctantly opened the door, Thomas walked in and closed the door behind him, sitting on the bed next to Virgil.

" love me?" Thomas asked, Virgil nodded and sniffled, casting his eyes down at the ground. Virgil didn't think he could bare it if Thomas told him he didn't like him back.

"How long?"

"Tw-two years" Virgil sniffled, taking in a shaky breath. He flinched when two arms wrapped themselves around him, pulling him closer to Thomas - the man he loves.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You -you don't love me ba-back, what would be-be the point?" Virgil stuttered, trying to keep his breathing as controlled as he could.

"Who said I didn't love you back?" Thomas whispered, a glimmer of hope sparked inside of Virgil, he leaned back and looked at Thomas in the eyes.

"Seriously? No jokes?" Virgil asked for confirmation.

"Actually no, I hate you" that's what Virgil thought Thomas would say but when he said something different Virgils heart fluttered and sped up.

"No jokes, I love you...Virgil" Thomas smiled, blushing.

"Then why did you go on a date?" Virgil asked, shifting so he sat closer to Thomas.

"I didn't think you'd like me back so to get rid of the feelings, but I'm glad I didn't" Thomas smiled and hugged Virgil tightly, Virgil hugged back and hid his face in Thomas's neck.

"Why do you love me? I only affect you badly" Virgil murmured.

"You affect me the best way you can, by keeping me safe" Thomas replied, pulling Virgil back to stare into his eyes.

"I wouldn't change the way you affect me one bit" Thomas added and Virgils eyes welled up with tears once again.

They hugged again and Thomas smiled

"You're not the bad guy, Virgil" he mumbled into his soft hair,
"you - like the others - are the good guy, and you always will be"


Don't you hate it when you realise you're dog can't play with other dogs because he's so horny?

Yep. My dog rn.

I swear whenever my dog sees another dog all he can think (doesn't matter what breed or gender) all he can think is: "SEX SEX SEX"

I love my horny sex craving dog.

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