Trina waits outside of the door while I change into the first one, which is orange. “Orange? What is wrong with you?”

“I just want to see how it looks on you!” Okay, technically it’s a white and orange dress. I slip it on, and Trina zips it up once I say I’m decent. “No way. Next one.” The next one is a deep pink color, which Trina doesn’t like either. The next one is black. Trina says we’re not allowed to match however, even though the black dress was kind of cute. Next is a white and silver one, which I like, and Trina puts it in a maybe pile.

The next one is a blue floor-length one, which is my absolute favorite dress, and Trina puts it in the maybe pile. None of the next ten that I try on can even compare to the blue one and the silver and white one. Trina holds them up side to side. The silver and white one cuts off about mid-thigh, and it has a lot of lace and glitter on it. It truly looks like a typical prom dress. The blue one, however, has one sleeve that can fall to the crease in my elbow, and it feels amazing. “This one. I just have to have it.” I say.

“Fine.” Trina says. She goes to put all of the other dresses back and I go up to the front counter. They put the dress in a cool bag and I pay for it. Trina holds it while we move into the shoe section.

“Trina, the dress covers my feet. I’ll just wear sandals. I have a really cute pair with flowers on them. You’ve seen them. I wore them the last time Sabrina made pancakes.”

“Oh yeah. Those are cute! Fine. I don’t have shoes though, so I’m going to look. You can help.” I search for cute high heels, since she says that’s the style she wants, but after a while, I just end up staring at this dress. It didn’t cost that much, and besides, Dad’s still paying child support for two, so I have some extra money. I feel Christy would approve of me buying a dress to go to the prom with her ex-boyfriend. On a dare. It’s totally the kind of weird scenario she would support wholeheartedly.

“These ones.” I say, pointing my toe at a pair of green pumps. “They match the hair you had before.”

“I approve. Let us buy these shoes. Who cares if they don’t match the dress?”

“Black matches with everything.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She says, and buys the shoes. Afterwards, we end up going to my house.

“Can I be your maid of honor at your guy’s wedding?” She asks dreamily.

“It’s a dare. Besides, I don’t even like Peter. That’s gross. He was my sister’s boyfriend.”

“I guess that is weird.” She says, sticking her green pump wearing feet in the air so she can stare at them again. After a while, we end up watching a movie, and Trina ends up falling asleep on my couch.


“Happy Birthday, Sam.” I tell him, presenting him with a present. He smiles a wicked grin at me and goes off to play with his friends. His friends have taken up the majority of the house, so the four of us escape to the porch with our plates of cake and soda.

“Dare.” Jared says.

“Not this again.” I whisper, but Trina’s smiling, ready for anything.

“Go stand in the middle of the road until a car is forced to stop.” Jared takes a sip of soda and goes to stand in the middle of the road. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget how pissed everyone at Applebee’s was once they found out that there was no fire. That was the best dare I think I’ve ever come up with.” Peter says eating some of the cake with his nose turned up. Sam’s cake is vanilla, which is obviously bothering him.

“I pick dare too.” Trina says.

“You should go into that room full of pre-teens with no shirt on.” Peter says. Trina glares at him, but takes her shirt off, revealing a sports bra. She sticks her tongue out at him and goes inside. Peter and I follow her. The room goes silent as she does a lap around the room, even going as far to touch the face of one boy. When she shuts the front door, she has a look of utter disgust on her face.

“They all have cooties!” She says, putting her shirt back on. At that moment, the first car comes down the room, honking their horn at Jared. Jared dances a little bit and the car is forced to stop when he doesn’t move. Jared dances out of the road, and the car commences on with their day. He comes back over to us and keeps eating his cake like nothing has happened.

“It’s Charlie’s turn.” Jared says.

“She hasn’t finished her first dare. You know the rules, Jared.” Peter chirps at him and gives the rest of his cake to me.

“Man. You two, going to prom together.” Jared says, shaking his head in disbelief.

“It’s a dare!” I shout, but in the back of my mind, there’s a countdown saying, “Five days left until prom…”

I'll Wait For You - NaNoWrimo 2016 [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu