Taking A Drive

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Wake up, sweetheart. Trina’s voice assaults my ears and I sit up in bed. Christy’s eyes fly open and she stares at me like I’ve grown a third head.

Be nice, Trina. Jared responds.

Stop fighting. I respond, looking over at the clock. Dawn has been around six lately, and it’s 5:30 now. You should have woken me up earlier. I’m currently picturing Trina’s face in my mind, but Jared responds.

Wolves don’t wear watches, dork. Now come on and get here already.

“We have to go see Peter.” I say out loud and Christy blinks at me like I’m crazy.


“I’ll tell you when we get there. He made it specific when he wanted to see you, and I have to drive. But, you should drive.”

“Why does he want to see me at 5:30 in the morning?”

“I’ll tell you when we get there. Now please, go get in the car.” I slip on my flip flops and follow her out of the room, clutching my head.

Christy is strangely quiet as I buckle myself in and lay down across the seat. I can tell she’s trying to work out the mystery. I’m wondering if I should just tell her, because I’m horrible at keeping secrets. It was easier when I could just lock myself in my room and she wasn’t even home.

“Did you cancel the party?”

“What do you think? I was worried about you dying. Happy New Year. Hope you feel better.” I had accepted the bluntness, but I forgot it was a new year.

“Yeah. Happy New Year.” I mumble, staring at the tan roof of her Jeep.

I must have fallen into a stupor, because I snap out of it when she’s slamming on the brakes, screaming at the top of her lungs. I fly forward, the seatbelt stopping me from flying into the back of the passenger seat. “What is it?” I say.

“I think it’s a bear.” She says, breathing heavily. “A huge, black bear. Oh wait, there’s another one. Now there’s three of them. They are in the road and they want to eat us, Charlie.”

“Just floor it.” I say, trying to find them in the headlights, but only seeing big shadows.

“I don’t want to kill them. That’s animal cruelty.”

“Just say it was self-defense.” I say, leaning back down. Peter, back off. He growls as a reply in my head, and I jump.

“Okay, they moved.” The car starts moving again and I sigh, glad that the wolves didn’t well, attack us. Christy drives a little bit faster from there on out, and I watch, my eyes wide open, begging the wolves to stay away for a little while longer.

I start to lean back, my headache starting to kick up again, and that is the exact second that the wolves launch their attack.

Trina, standing in the middle of the road, causes Christy to scream, spinning the wheel and slamming on the brakes. I can see what’s going to happen an instant before it happens. The car slams into a pole and Christy’s screams turn silent. I just have a feeling that the wolves are hungry tonight.

My head is still pounding, and there's a lot of smoke in the air. When my hearing returns to me, I'm surprised to hear I'm sobbing. Dawn needs to come. I don't feel like being breakfast to a wolf. Peter. No. You're better than this. You can control this. Christy is your soul mate, right? Right? "Christy?" I ask, hoping the crash just made her black out. I close my eyes for a second, reaching forward. I find her arm and hold on to it.

I didn't bring my phone and I have no idea where Christy's is, so we're alone. Dawn needs to come.

A shiver runs down my back and I can tell the wolves are close. Too close for comfort on a night like this. I wonder, can I talk to Sabrina if she has the connection too? I picture her face, scar and all. Sabrina, the wolves made us crash the car. I don't know if you can hear me, but we need help. I don't know how close we are to you. I don't even know if Christy's a- wait, I can feel a pulse. I say, pushing my thumb to her wrist, and feeling the steady ba-dum of her heartbeat. Sabrina doesn't reply like I hoped she would.

The wolves have obviously smelled human flesh and they want to take a bite. I hear the screeching of metal, and the driver's side door is ripped off. "No!!!" I scream, throwing myself at the door and scrambling outside.

Jared pins me to the ground in before I can scream, before I can blink. I can just feel how hopeless fighting would be. Blood splashes onto my face, and I know who's it is. I can't move, and I can't look away.

I'm going to die here in these woods, right next to my sister.

I'll Wait For You - NaNoWrimo 2016 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now