"Till these last couple of weeks. I was such a dick towards you, because I didn't want to get lied to again. Even past the fact I yelled at you. Yet you still cared enough. Like when I shattered the mirror or told you off. You still came back. I don't want to lose the only thing who actually made me happy for once."

I forced my eyes open. I could finally keep them open for longer than seconds. I turned towards Francisco. Who was staring at the bracelet around his wrist. I could see a single tear running down his cheek.

"I didn't fucking deserve you. Nothing good should ever come my way. You could've liked Miles, Martinez, Jo, or Tom. But instead you chose me. For a reason that's so unknown." Francisco bluntly admitted.

I pushed myself up. Luckily the next I did had Francisco sitting next to my bed. I grabbed his hand. Clearing my throat.

"I am not dead, not yet at least." I said my voice sounded dry, but at least or hopefully he could tell what I was saying. I felt him place his thumb over my hand.

"So you heard everything I said?" Francisco questions sternly, I have never heard his voice crack. But everyday we learn something new. I took the comforter from lower half. Getting off the bed. I turned to face Francisco.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. Because it's not true. Just because of the way you acted or who you killed. Doesn't mean you deserve every negative thing that comes in your life." I argued.

"You do seem to argue quite a lot. Or be right about many things. You know that Sage?" Francisco asked as he stands up. Luckily due to genetics. My 5'8 height was not too much shorter than him.

"It's usually how I get things to go my way. So yes I do know that." I answer with a hint of sassiness in my tone.

"Francisco, we need to finish some things off with the Russian's. So hurry down here this instance." Martinez's voice radiates through the walkie-talkie. Which was on my desk.

Francisco walks over to grab the walkie-talkie from my desk. He holds down a button and talks into it.

"I'll be down there in a second." Francisco replies. He releases the button.

"Okay." Martinez responds.

"You're going back out there?" I ask with so much concern in my voice, I sounded like a mother.

"We have to finish things off with the Russians. You're not going. I don't want you to get hurt again. Going on dangerous missions is apart of my job." Francisco answers.

"Fine. Just at least be safe. Okay?" I reply. Francisco had a smile slowly curving on his lips, but quickly fading away.

"No promises." Francisco says. Instead of leaving me there. He leans down pressing his lips against mine. He pulls away in nearly seconds.

Without even a goodbye. He leaves through the door. Shutting it behind him. I couldn't help but my eyes blinked plenty of times before a tear slips from my eye.

I just wanted to at least talk to him about some other things to get this stupid gunshot wound off my mind. I walked over to the mirror pulling up my shirt. The wound was battered and bruised. But I could visibly see the scar.


Two Hours Later

Fire, combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.

"Would you like the honors?" Jo ask pushing the glasses up his nose as he handed me the translucent lighter. I flicked it on. A small flame appears

"Yes, I would." I answer putting it on the tip of the piece of lined paper. Once it fully ignited. I threw the piece of paper onto the grass. It spreads at a quick pace.

"Francisco! I need to ask you something." Tom calls as I turn towards him. He had a smile across his face.

"What did you need to ask?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"Have you? you know?" Tom begins.

"No, I don't know." I reply. He chuckles but stops giving me a straight face.

"Slept with Sage." Tom bluntly says. I almost choked on air just from that comment.

"Excuse me?" I reply returning with the blunt tone. "And no I haven't."

"Seriously? I know she's your girl and everything. But if she was mine, I would've slept with her the day we met." Tom states. I gave him a disgusted face. Not towards Sage, but the fact he would just sleep with any girl in a heartbeat.

"I haven't because, if she's still a virgin than she better lose it to someone better than me." I reply stiffly.

"Come on Francisco. Have you even asked her?" Tom ask. I sighed.

"No. She doesn't want it. She's too pure and innocent. I would ruin it for her. Who even knows if she's a virgin. High school students are fucking wild nowadays." I responded.

"This is why, asking is a thing." Tom says putting his arms on my shoulders.

"You want me to go up to her and be like. Oh so, are you or a virgin or not? If you aren't. Let me be your first." I mimicked a higher pitch than my regular tone. Tom chuckles.

"Our work here is done. Let's head back to the estate." Martinez announces. I turned towards the building that was smeared with fire. Engulfed by flames.



In the end of all of this.

A family member of my mine.

Is not dead. But still clueless of whom is the missing relative of mine.

Francisco continued on saying how it was not the right moment to tell me yet. Which I was annoyed by I understood.

Miles was gone, good. They had continued on doing their routines for the mafia. But that's until I was told the news, the wonderful news.

The End

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