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Francisco's POV

The sun shimmers directly into my eyes through the rooms window. I could see it slowly moving down on the horizon. Instantly, I moved my whole bottom. Which was a mistake, because when I did that. My wrist turned in pain.

"Fuck!" I groaned turning my attention to handcuffs that one of their maids put me in. The building they had taken me to was quite different from their estate. It reminded me a hotel for all their members.

But instead of many floors. There was only three. One dedicated to their working space, another was for a person like me. A chamber, I considered.

In the room there was a bed, a television, bathroom, which was pointless because I couldn't even use it. A closet, and some other pointless shit I couldn't even use.

I forget the most important thing. A surveillance camera to watch my every move. Just incase I did something. Rolling my eyes at that thought. They couldn't just lock the outside of the door and not cuff me.

I looked over at what I was cuffed to. A lamp. Now who's the idiot? I thought negatively in my head. I got off the bed. Using my strength to pull. As the lamp falls from the table. The fragile lamp shatters on top. I instantly feel my free arm.

Don't rush out like an idiot. You need to come us with some sort of plan. Making my way towards the windows. Which were covered by these thin-cheap curtains. I moved them to the sides of the window.

I looked out. Noticing heavy smoke in the sky. Furrowing my eyebrows. I see the direction where it was coming from. Looking down at the parking. Just the Russian's cars.

I backed away from the window. Hurrying to pick up the half broken lamp. I hear talking out in the hall. I listen clearly to what was going on.

"Someone burned our estate down!" A deep hoarsely voice complains.

"It had to be the Italians. Nobody else. They want Francisco so bad? They  trade us Sage." Giovanni's voice struck me. "Now one of you, go check on Francisco."

I backed away from the door. Setting the broken lamp piece back on the ground. I walked over to the window. Behind me, I hear the door open.

"Freeing yourself? Smart. But since you did that. We're going to move you down to the ground floor." The famous voice of the one and only, traitor, Miles.

"Why?" I ask suddenly.

"What do you mean why? We aren't just let you roam around here. That's dangerous." Miles answers.

"I mean, why did you join us? If you were just going to betray us and leave. Because he's your friend. We were like family to you." I reply.

"Things have changed. I found something more valuable than this membership." Miles says. Out of the blue he slams something against my head. "And their name is Sage Reid."

He laugh becomes louder. I didn't hear the rest of what he had to say.

Sage's POV

The signature burning scent. As we all watched the estate burn down. Not ours. But the Russians. As the pillars could barely hold anymore weight. More pieces of the estate collapsed.

"Sage, let's get going. We need to head over to the facility they are located at." Jo reminds me. I nodded my head. Turning away from the beautiful scenery.

Jo opens the door for me. I thanked him as we both got into the back. Martinez quickly drives away. I didn't turn my head back for a final glance. It didn't deserve it.

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