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One Week Later...
Francisco's POV

"I finally have all the plans we need. You need to go rescue Sage by tonight or at least at five thirty." Martinez says.

"Can Julia go with me?" I ask.

"Uh sure, if you want to. But why?" Martinez brought up a following question.

"I have some things that I need to finish and Julia would be the perfect fit for what I have in mind." I answer as honest as I could get.

"Okay, just go tell her that you plan on going with her." Martinez replies not bringing up anymore questions. I nodded getting up from the chair, walking out the room.

As I walked down the hall to the living room-kitchen region. I see Jazz and Julia sitting together eating some strawberries that Sofia must've left for them.

"Hey Julia, are you busy tonight?" I ask. Julia turns towards Jazz and chuckled. She seemed like I couldn't see it but then turns back towards me.

"No, why?" Julia ask with the pettiness in the tone of her voice. As much as I wanted to just say, 'never mind I don't really need your help anymore.' I needed her for an important part of the mission.

"Martinez said that I could ask you if you wanted to go on a mission tonight to one of the Russian estate." I ask.

"Sure, but let me go grab my gear. I'll be back and we can go. Do we need a lot of weapons?" Julia ask.

"Yes, we will be entering an estate of many residents." I answer. Julia nods grabbing her car keys from the counter.

"Okay, it's three-thirty right now. I should be back in a hour since I do need to restock and reload on guns." Julia says getting off the chair.

"I'll go with you if it's going to take you that long to get ready, so can we speed up the process." I suggested. Julia purses her lips together rolling her eyes.

"Francisco, I know I've only been in the mafia for two years. But I can tell that you're planning something and you are just so eager about it. Now tell me why." Julia replies folding her arms together.

"Well." I begin.

Sage's POV - Two Hours Later

"Shit." I said to myself quickly as my finger started to bleed quickly. You're such an idiot. I brought my finger up to my mouth and put my lips around it to apply pressure.

I set the knife onto the cutting board. The finger still in my mouth, I walked over to the drawers. Searching through them to find a bandage of some sort.

I found a box of regular old bandaids. Pulling out the normal sized one. I quickly unwrapped it, wrapping it around my fingertip. It instantly killed off the pain, making my index finger numb.

Closing the drawer as I walked back over to the cutting board. Instead of being careless and relentless. I took the knife finishing off the last of the tomatoes.

As I was finishing up. I poured them into a pot of bowling hot soup. Every night they would make me, cook this soup and it was nasty. I don't understand how they could eat it.

Maybe they just said it taste good, to make me seem like they weren't bad people. I couldn't trust them. Their lies and how they were so against Martinez, Francisco, and everyone else.

"Sage!" Gabriella's voice went from soft to upset and loud really quick.

"What." I said slowly stirring around the soup. Not even a care with what she was going to tell me.

"There are intruders here! You need to get to hide somewhere. I am going down to the bunker or cellar. Please come with me." Gabriella says tugging on my shirt sleeve.

"I'll defend myself." I reply. Gabriella furrows her eyebrows together.

"What the hell do you mean?" She ask.

"I mean, I'm in a kitchen with knifes and scissors. I can defend myself. I'll meet you down in the cellar. Just give me a couple of minutes." I answer.

"Fine, your loss. I trying am protect you. But I'll meet you down in the cellar, hopefully." Gabriella argues walking away quickly.

What did I have to lose anyways. More kidnappers? Seriously what's the point it has been a week. Martinez and the others must've forgotten where I have been.

Reaching over the pot. I grabbed the handle of one of the knifes. The edge of it shimmered in the light. If one comes at you, just jab them. Things are changing and you need to as well.

Screams and cries bounced off the walls. Maybe Gabriella was right. I turned off the stove beginning to walk away towards the door that led up to the stairs.

When I heard a gun being reloaded. Good job Sage. Turning to look at what was in my right hand. Was still the sharp knife.

"Turn around." The voice said. I couldn't recognize it. It was very hoarsely. Maybe Giovanni decided to betray me.

I obeyed what the voice said. Turning around to see the face that made me want to scream for joy, cry, or something that expressed happiness. Dropping the knife as I hear it cling against the floor.

"Francisco." I said as my voice cracked. A smile came across his face. But it soon faded away as he brought his gun up again. Fear filled my body.

Francisco shot. Everything went so quickly. I was still functioning and there was no bullet. I turned around to see who he possibly shot.

At the moment everything was in slow motion. Gabriella's body hit the floor. The gun she had supposedly dropped, fell in front of her onto the rug.

I could see the creamy colored rug transfer into crimson red. Turning back to Francisco. He had no sign of mercy. Francisco obviously had no fear of anyone or anything if he just killed a teenage girl. in. front. of .me.

Kidnapped • REVISING जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें