Chapter 1 | The Beginning

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The summer after graduation was like the last time to spend time with the friends you made in high school. In April, I wrote down the list of things I wanted to do. Things I had never done in my nineteen years: traveling with friends to a foreign country, driving through Los Angeles after midnight, skydiving, and plenty of others.

I lift my mechanical pencil from my notepad and look at the clock that hung on the wall. The hour hand pointed on the two, while the minute neared the three. It was nearly time for the day to end. For the final time. The moment I had been waiting for, for years. I looked across the room to find Abby in her seat, but only to find she was not there.

I continued looking around the classroom, till I spotted her at Mrs. Clifford's desk, speaking with her. I looked further at Mrs. Clifford's desk and to my surprise, even though there were only two days left. Her desk was full of papers.

I picked up my English journal, noticing I stopped writing all together. I stood up from my seat and walk towards Mrs. Clifford's desk. I placed my journal into her wired basket, which contained the rest of the class's journals.

Abruptly, the last bell rings. At that moment, it looked like a bunch of Black Friday shoppers running into the store. Some ran out of the classroom, without concern or worry to shove another out of the way. I was lucky that nobody ran into me, as I sauntered towards my desk.

"See ya, Sage, catch you at the football game tonight?" Sierra questioned as she stuffed her supplies into her backpack. Sierra was also a senior, she was really sweet and willing to help if I was confused. I guess you consider her and I somewhat friends.

"Of course, I have to be there for cheerleading regardless," I answered, faking my smile in the process because I didn't want to be there. Sierra smiled before slinging on her backpack and departing from the room.

It wasn't long before the classroom became empty; only Mrs. Clifford, Abby, two other students, and I were left in the room. I zipped up my backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I spot Abby quickly walking to her desk to retrieve her belongings. I turn my attention back to my desk before tucking my chair under the desk, and head to the exit.

"Sage wait!" Abby called out. I stood near the doorframe. While turning my head to where Abby's table was at, I looked over at Mrs. Clifford for a second and she traded me her signature glare.

Abby catches up with me at the door and we finally leave the classroom. I felt like I could breathe. Every time I was in the presence of Mrs. Clifford, I felt that couldn't even breathe.

"I am surprised we survived being in her class," Abby said with a chuckle as we walked down the hallway. In the corner of my eye, I saw the students opening their lockers and emptying them.

"Me too," I replied. Abby and I reached the commons -- also known as one of the most crowded spots in our school.

We sauntered over to the circle of our friends. As soon as we reached the circle, our friends made some space for us. As soon as we made our spots in the circle. I suddenly felt some arms wrap around my neck and tugged against someone. I leaned my head back and found my childhood best friend.

Halle Grace Kings. A beautiful girl inside and out. We have been friends since she moved into my neighborhood. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair and expressive eyebrows.

"Halle!" I greeted happily as I turned to her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Are you two coming to the final football game tonight?" Abby questioned turning towards the both of us.

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