Did You Really

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His name burned across my mind. He was the only one who I was truly scared of in this mafia group. Francisco didn't care about anything. Just himself and that Amanda girl. Who knew, maybe he didn't even care about her either.

Just using her for pleasure. I wouldn't be too surprised. Jazz did tell me that he was a player. Amanda could be a participant in his game. Without even knowing that.

"I see that you and Miles seem to be getting along pretty well." Francisco says in his regular annoyed voice, except there was hint of envy.

"Yeah, he is really sweet and nice." I reply picking up a piece of my pizza.

"That's great." Francisco says giving me a smile, but it was fake one. Anyone could tell.

"It's good to have someone who I maybe befriend in the future." I bubbled. "Besides Jazz of course."

"Hello Francisco, would you like anything to eat?" Jazz ask walking over towards us.

"The same thing Sage ordered." Francisco answers in a demanding way. She nods writing it down.

"What to drink?" Jazz ask.

"Just water." Francisco answers.

Jazz writes that down, walking away to the next customers. Francisco didn't even say please or in a kind way. He just demanded her as if she was slave.

"That was rude." I said.

"What?" Francisco ask.

"The way you talked to Jazz. You could've at least said please or something rather than demanding." I answer. He furrows his eyebrows.

"I don't need to be, I am the reason why she even works here and gets money." Francisco replies

"That's not the point." I said.

"Don't tell me how to respect someone or something. Because I will decide if something deserves my respect." Francisco demands.

"I am on that list of people who you don't have respect for." I consoled.

"Sure, believe what you want." Francisco addressed

Jazz walks over towards our table. Setting down the plate for Francisco and his drink. He thanks her before she walks away. Grateful, but not kind.

"Is there a bathroom in here?" I ask.

"Yeah. You can ask Jazz. She will know." Francisco says on his phone ignoring me. Thanks a lot of the help, this guy. Are you any use?

Getting up from the booth. I walked over to Jazz who was finishing helping some customers or guest. Whatever name you called them.

"Hey Jazz, do you know where the bathroom? Since Francisco doesn't want to help me find it." I ask.

"Of course, he's really being hard on you isn't he?" Jazz answers chuckling.

"Yeah, I don't even know what I did to him or what. But he's just been a total dick." I reply.

"Well, anyways. The bathroom is down this hall." Jazz shows me this long hall with pink neon lights illuminating the hall.

"Thank you." I thanked her. She smiles and nods her head, walking away.

I walked down the dimmed hall. Pushing the bathroom door open. There was no one in the bathroom. Good. To the mirror I headed. I glanced at myself in the mirror.

Dark brown hair, brown eyes, and stupid ugly face to fit along with it. Flipping the faucet on. Pushing the hand soap on my hand from the dispenser.

"Trying to make yourself look better for Francisco. Oh please. You don't even have the looks for him." Amanda's voice said from behind me.

"I am not trying to. I am seriously not even a friend to him. He just came to my grandma's house and told me to go with him." I lied. "He's not even my type anyways."

"Good, because you don't even deserve him anyways. As you can see or tell yourself. He doesn't even care one bit about you." Amanda says.

Pursing my lips together. Grabbing the paper towels and drying my hands as I left the bathroom. Walking down the hall. Out back towards the booth where Francisco was seated.

"Francisco! You won't believe what Sage just did!" Amanda shouts as she walked down quickly towards us. He looked at me before turning towards Amanda.

"What. What." Francisco says holding her hand in his. Aw so cute, please don't even think I would support you two.

"When she went to use the bathroom. She was nearly begging me to let her use my phone, so she call for some help." Amanda lies. Francisco releases his grip from Amanda.

"Sage, we are going to have a serious talk about this when we get back to the apartment." Francisco says calmly. Amanda presses her lips against Francisco. She walks off towards the back room. He turns towards me.  

"Francisco, I did not ask her or beg her for the phone. You can't just believe her." I complied.

"I said we can talk about when we get back to the apartment." Francisco says sternly. He got up leaving his empty plate there, before walking away.

Now we need to come up with a lie. Or try to reason with him at least. Jazz walks back empty handed. Maybe she doesn't have to serve customers at the moment.

"Jazz!" I call out. She turns towards me, even past the loud music. She can still hear me.

"What's up." Jazz says standing over the table.

"Has Amanda done something that she wants you to keep away from Francisco?" I ask. Her eyes widened.

"Of course she has. I've caught her plenty of times. But she's always told me if I told Francisco. She would get me fired." Jazz answers.

"I'll get her fired. If you tell me what she did, you won't ever have to work with her ever again." I said.

Jazz had a smirk and somewhat of a smile across his lips. Before leaning down and started whispering into my ears.


To you all who have finished reading Kidnapped, recently (in the last two days). I am going to be adding some more chapters due to me rewriting and making the book a lot better and less cringe!

As I know, I am only a freshman (9th grade) my grammar isn't phenomenal. But it's hopefully still bearable! I am also making it have a plot or somewhat. Just know that it's not going to have a big plot as Scars Left By Memories!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading. Comment/Vote/& Follow for updates and more books.

Kidnapped • REVISING Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora