"I knew we weren't. I don't have a mate." Mac said. Gage stopped walking, causing Mac to stop and look at her.

"You may not know for sure if you have a mate or not, but don't worry you will still find somebody, wolf or even better human," Gage said.

"Maybe a vampire mate," Mac said jokingly, she started walking again, Gage didn't follow just stared at her.

"Do you think it is possible for vampires to have a mate?" Gage asked. Mac stopped to look at him.

"In our science class they talk about how the mating process works and they say vampires don't have mates but they have their beloved ones which is pretty much the same thing as a mate."

Gage nodded his headed lost in thought but continued to walk with her to her car. They were silent for a few minutes before he seemed to come back to life.

"I think you are too nice for a vampire mate," Gage said.

"Well, aren't all mates supposed to be nice," Mac said.

"Not all, some are bitchy," Gage said gruffly. Mac looked at him and burst out laughing, Gage joining in.

"Did you just call your mate a bitch?" Mac said putting air quotes around the word mate.

"I think I did," Gage said. "I don't know, we have been disagreeing about a lot of things lately and well I don't know." Gage let the sentence hang, his mind lingering on the vampire last night.

"You know Gage, you aren't a horrible guy," Mac said, she half smiled at him. "But Sandy is a horrible girl," Mac said. Gage didn't say anything, just opened up Mac's door and put the backpack in. Mac slightly pushed it closed, it flew shut causing a crunching sound echo throughout the parking lot.

"Old door," Mac said, Gage nodding. Mac looked down at her hands, she barely touched it.

They walked back in silence both lost in their own thoughts. Him thinking about  Vamp, her trying to figure out how she can control her strength.

"You deserve better," Gage said to Mac right before they enter the classroom.

"So do you," Mac said. They both entered the classroom to find the room silence another pop quiz in session.

"Detention, both of you," Brody said. Mac and Gage didn't protest just went and grabbed their seats.

When Mac came up to her desk she barely dropped her books onto the desk, but it cracked breaking in two. The whole class looked up from their desk to stare at her.

"Old desk?" Mac said she didn't know what to do or how to control it.

"You can come sit up here with me," Brody said winking at her. Mac was about to protest, but Gage beat her to it.

"No, she won't," Gage said, he went grabbing her hand and pulled her onto his lap. Matt told him about what Brody said the other day and it disgusted him. He didn't want Mac anywhere near that guy.

 She didn't protest to scared to touch anything. "Will you just relax, I'm not that disgusting," Gage whispered into her ear. She half smiled at him before she gently placed her hands down on the desk. She sighed out in relief when it didn't break.

"Am I just supposed to allow this?" Brody asked annoyed.

"Yes," Gage said using his Alpha tone. Even though Brody wasn't part of his pack, he still submitted.

"First vampires now humans, don't you get around," Collin said laughing. Mac half turned towards them.

"Shut up, Mac is more like my sister and doesn't need to be next to that creep," Gage said glaring at Collins.

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