"He isn't breathing?" Jason said looking the kid over.

"What!" Mac shouted and he was right, the kid stopped breathing his head turned sideways and blood was still pouring out of him. She laid him on the back seat throwing Jason the keys. "You need to drive like me, okay Jason, get us home as soon as possible."

"I can't drive," Jason said freaking out.

"You have to, I have to do everything I can to heal him," Mac said. She jumped into the back seat looking the kid over. His hair was bright blonde, but it was matted over with blood, she couldn't see his chest moving, but she could still hear a small heartbeat coming from him. "Jason will you just fucking drive," Mac said seeing him standing outside the driver's door. He nodded his head jumping into the driver's seat.

"Okay, kid you are going to be alright just hang on," Mac said, grabbed a hold of his arm, closed her eyes and started to breathe deeply. She could feel her skin splitting open, healing within seconds but then splitting open in a new area.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked in a panic, he could see blood start to drip down her nose, staining her clothes.

"My power, it can take on his injuries healing him in moments," Mac said, blood dripping out of her mouth.

"It is hurting you," Jason said, but he didn't stop driving.

"He is dying," Mac said, she felt like screaming the searing pain of every cut every bruise burning into her skin almost like they were kicking her all at once. She could feel the bruise under her ribs, eyes, and stomach, all of them growing every second, but healing a minute after. She was feeling exhausted, every ounce of her wanted to let go, but she knew she had to save this kid.

"Mac," Jason said, he was right behind her. She didn't realize that they made it home, only taking thirty minutes with Jason speeding the whole way. "Let him go," Jason said pulling her off of him, he could tell she was in pain but that didn't stop her. She quickly lifted him up and out of the car with her mind, racing him to the old kitchen table. John and Justin were their eating cereal but quickly forgot about it when the half dead kid and injured Mac came rushing into the kitchen.

"What's happening?" Justin asked.

"He needs help," Mac said, she went to grab him again to take away his pain, to help heal him but Jason grabbed her around the waist holding her back.

She was too exhausted to fight crumpling in his arms but stayed awake watching Justin take over.

 It was almost like he was born to be a doctor, he quickly ran to the first aid box grabbing the stitches kit. He gently rubbed a washcloth over the kid's forehead were the worse cut was, he washed the blood off before rubbing ointment over it. He looked over trying to figure out where to start the stitches.

"Wait, don't," Mac said standing up, she didn't have her full strength but she limped over to the table, her stomach still killing her. "This is going to be weird, but it will heal him faster," Mac said, they looked at her for a second but she turned her neck side to side cracking it and letting Vamp come out. She leaned down licking the nasty cut that covered his forehead.

"Ew," Trent said walking into the kitchen. Justin, John, and Jason were also grimacing, this would be the first time any of them have seen Vamp feed and even though the look of it wasn't gross, the act itself was.

Vamp then went over licking the wound on the kid's stomach and then on his arms. It looked like the kid used his arms to try to protect him from some of the hits but it didn't work.

"I may be sick," Trent said running over to the sink.

"Oh come on boys, you eat sushi, this is like my sushi." Vamp said giving the kid a kiss on the forehead before cracking her neck side to side and turning back into Mac, the normal Mac no school disguise.

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