Over the weekend her wounds healed up and the plethora of new powers started to show. So far she knew she could throw fire, teleport, make plants grow, although she wasn't sure how useful that was, levitate, only by a couple of feet, super read, freeze things, heal others, she could grab them and take in their pain, and lastly, she had heat radar. She could think of an area anywhere in the world and see the thermal heat of any creature. She hadn't quite figured out the use of most of these powers but she still enjoyed them, almost made her feel like a witch.

"Cause I am human," Mac said, she turned the corner running straight into a wall. The shock surprising her enough to make her fall to the ground. "What the?" Mac said looking up to see Gage, Collin, and Matt standing before her.

"Here." Collin and Matt said at the same time, Collin helped her up while Matt grabbed the books she dropped.

"Watch where you are going," Gage said walking around her.

"You ran into me," Mac shouted at his retreating figure. "What crawled up his ass today."

"His dad's in town," Matt said handing her his books. Collin shot him a look and Matt quickly went quiet.

"Let me guess he is an asshole like most of your pack," Trent said.

"Kind of like the King of assholes," Matt said. Collin shot him another look.

"We don't like to talk about him," Collin said. "But glad to see you are back Mac." He laughed. "It rhymes." Trent started laughing as well.

"Good one," Trent said. Matt and Mac just looked at them like they were a new kind of special.

"Anyways, we will be late to class, come on Mac I have the notes and homework that you missed last week," Collin said. "Bye Trent." Trent just waved his hand rushing off to class himself.

"Thanks, Collin," Mac said taking his notebook from him.

"Well, I stole them off of Gage so don't be too surprised that they are bad notes."

"I guess it is the thought that counts," Mac said. They reached the doorway but Matt grabbed her arm pulling her to the side.

"Can I talk to you, after class I mean," Matt said. Mac couldn't help but smile, right now as the nerdy awkward guy that she loved a year ago, not the one following the crowd, but Matt just being Matt. She nodded her head and they rushed in just as the last bell rang.

"Ahh welcome back Mac," Brody said in the front of the classroom. Collin started to crack up once again earning a weird look from the whole class.

"What it's funny," Collin said annoyed nobody else was laughing.

"So today we are talking about the werewolf war of the 1890's. England and France battling during the industrial age." Brody started, he wrote some dates on the board and Mac scribble them down as best she could. Halfway through class, she felt something slimy hit the back of her hair, when she to pull it away she realized it was a giant spitball.

"Gross," Mac said. She turned to find Gage with a straw still attached to his lips.

"Yes you would say the war was gross, lots of dead bodies but it was forever ago so who cares," Brody said not even bothering to turn around. Mac closed her eyes turning Brody out, with her new power she was actually able to see the little flying spitballs heading towards her, small heat pulsating off of them because they were covered in his spit. She then used her telekinetic power to have them easily miss her, but not by making it too obvious. After about an hour of using her powers her mind grew tired, and thankfully Gage did as well.

"Pop quiz tomorrow," Brody said in a monotone voice as the bell rang. "Mac would you mind staying, I have to talk to you about something."

Brody waited for the others to leave the classroom and she could see Matt eagerly waiting out the door for her.

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