Chapter 22 (abathan?)

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Abby's p.o.v.

Our fall break was coming to end as Saturday came upon us. Troye and I were already packed and ready to go in the morning. My family had a special day planned for Saturday, so when I woke up I got ready and headed up to the kitchen. I see that my mom is already up, and made my favorite which is pancakes and bacon.
" Good morning sweetie how did you sleep?" my mom asks as I grab a plate and get my food.
" It was good," I say and sit down in the kitchen, and start to eat my pancakes and bacon. After I finish my breakfast I clean my plate off and put it in the dishwasher. Everybody was up by the time I was finished my breakfast. My sister had said goodbye to me as she went to school through all of this as well.
" So what are you planning on doing today?" my mom asks.
" I don't know I'll probably just stay at home and sleep," I say and wait for everybody to finish their breakfast.
" Well I was thinking we could go out and have a fun family day just like old times," my mom says as she waits for my response.
" I guess I have nothing better to do so sure," I say and get up. I walk to my bedroom and get my phone. Ethan has decided to pick us up at the airport so we don't have to pay a taxi, so I have to tell him when we leave and what time to be at the airport. Once I grab my phone I head upstairs to see my family ready to head out for our fun day. Troye decided to join in on the family fun day as we head somewhere. The best part about the day is where you would go next because it was up to the parents.
" So where do you think we are going first?" my dad says as we start to drive.
" I'm guessing my favorite park?" I say just throwing a guess out there.
" Wait how did you know?" my dad asks as we get closer to one of my favorite places in the world. This park was full of memories for me some of them were bad others were quite good. I remember going here to write some, and this place is where I figured out what I wanted to do when I got to college. This park is also the place where my ex and I went as well. Once we pull up to the park I grab my phone and get out.
" Now don't run away yet," my mom says as I start walking up to my favorite place there. I sigh and wait for her to finish. " Everywhere we go we have a surprise for you, so when it's almost 10 come and meet us at where we used to have a picnic at, Ok?"
" Ok I'll see you at 10," I wave at my parents," Troye are you coming or not?"
" I'm coming hold on," he says as I stop and wait for him to catch up, " Where are we going anyways?"
" We are going to my favorite place in the park," I say and keep on walking.Once we get there I stop and sigh. I think back to when I would study here ar even write lyrics. " This is the place that made me figure out what I wanted to do in college."
" What a cool memory. I wish I had things like this to remember some of my memories," he says as I sit down next to the tree that was there with a bunch of memories.
" Some of them aren't good memories, so don't worry about it," I say as Troye sits next to me. " This is the place that I would write lyrics in or start to make songs."
" Did you ever finish the songs that you wrote?" Troye asks. I shake my head no and look up at the bright blue sky. The sun was shining down on us, so I was glad I didn't bring my jacket. A couple hours passed as Troye and I shared memories and song ideas.
" Well this was fun, but I think it's almost time meet up," I say and get up.
" Where is this place that we are going to anyways?" Troye asks as we start heading to the middle area where we would have a picnic once in awhile.
" This is the place that our whole family would meet up and have a big picnic sometimes, but we don't have them anymore," I say as we reach my parents.
" Just in time," my mom tells me as she looks at her watch," so how was the trip down memory lane for you?"
" It was good and fun thinking about everything that has happened here," I tell her as I sit down.
" Are you ready for your first surprise?" my dad asks as he grabs the box from behind him. I nod my head and reach for the present. When I open it up I see a blanket and grab it out of the box to see that I was a blanket with all of my special school shirts on it. There was also another blanket was a tie blanket. One side was grey and the other side had music notes on it. I look at both of them, and remember that I had wanted these from the first day of freshman year in high school to the last day of senior year.
" You still remember even after all these years that I wanted these types of blankets," I say and hold them both," Thank you for all the hard work that you had to do them."
" Also there is some money in the bottom for anything clothes or traveling," my mom says as she gets up, " are you ready for the next stop?" I get up and fold the blankets back in the box and walk to the car. We start heading to the next stop, but before we went back home, and ate sandwiches that mo had ready for us. My parents also told us to grab our swimming suits because the next stop that we were going to was the beach. I grab my black and white one piece swimming suit with holes in the sides.
" Are you ready to go?" Troye asks as I get out of my room.
" As ready as I'll ever be," I say and climb up the steps. We jump back into the car and head to the beach. It takes us about 15 minutes to get to the beach.
" Ok we'll meet you here go have fun," my mom says as we set up the towels in one place.
" Ok I will," I say and head out to the water. It was colder than I expected, but it was too beautiful not to go into the water. I take a quick swim and sit on the beach until it's about time to go to our next stop. I find my way back to my family and see that they have two more presents right next to them.
" Nice to see you," I hear Troye say as he runs by scaring me. I hear him laugh as I fall down from being scared. Once I get up I start walking to my family. They also start laughing as I run up and shake my head.
" Thank you for scaring me," I say and sit down next to Troye.
" No problem," Troye says as I look at him and he laughs. My parents also laugh it off and hand me my presents. I open the the first present to see a new computer that I had wanted for years. My computer was about three years old and needed to be turned in soon. The other present was an ipad and a new phone. I thank my parents and start setting up my new phone before we go to the next stop which would be dinner as well. We get to one of my favorite laid back restaurants that I used to go to when I was in high school. We had ordered and got our food.
" So for the last surprise we thought that it would be better to talk about at home," my mom says as we finish our meals and pay for the bill.
" Why don't you guys just tell me in the car and the way back home," I say as I stand up and grab my coat.
" I guess we could talk about it there if you wanted to," my mom says. Once we get to the car my dad starts to drive.
" Ok, so your last surprise is that I'm pregnant," my mom says as we get out of the parking lot.
" Yay! I can't wait to see the new part of the family," I say.
" Well I'm glad that you're happy about it I thought that you would have a different reaction than that," she says.
" Why would you say that I'm happy any other way with or without any surprises that you had given me," I say and thank my mom and dad for everything. We get home and I say goodnight to my parents before heading to sleep and waking up at two in the morning.

( Time Skip)

I woke up at 1:30, and started to get ready for the day ahead of us. Once we get up to the kitchen with all of our bags we head to the car and wait for dad.
" Wait did you tell your mother goodbye before you left?" my dad asks as we get into the car.
" Yes I already don't worry we have all said our goodbyes," I said and wait for dad to pull out of the drive way. Once we get to the airport we say our goodbyes and head to the security check. We had already got our ticket, so we didn't have to worry about buying them. Once we found our gate we sit down next to it and wait for it to be called. I hear my phone buzz and check it.
E- Ethan A- Abby
E- Hi,how is Australia?
A- Hey it was good, I'm actually going home today if you guys wanted to know
E- Yeah I will make sure to tell the others too
A- Ok, cool
E- Hey I was wondering if you wanted meet afterwards and go on a date maybe?
A- Yeah sure, but I will have to drop off my stuff before we go if that works
E- Yeah that's fine I'll pick you up once you're back from the airport
A- Ok see you then bye
E- Bye
Once I shut my phone off I hear our plane begin called. I get up and started heading for the gate. Once Troye caught up with me we boarded the plane and got our seats. I turned on my music and got ready for the plane ride back to college. Before I know it we are landing in LAX.
" Well that was a fast plane ride," I say as I get up.
" That's what you say when you can sleep all the way through an airplane ride," Troye says as we get out of the plane.
" I get used to that," I say and laugh. We start heading for the baggage claim. We get our bags and head out to get a taxi to get back to campus.
" Well that was fun," Troye says as we get back to the rooms.
" Yes it was really fun I hope we can go back soon too," I say.
" Yeah me too," Troye says," see you tomorrow I hope you have a good date."
" I will see you later," I say and open the door to find Oktavia with Grayson. " Well how are you two doing?"
" Hi Abby I thought you were supposed to be on a date?" Oktavia says and gets up and gives me a hug.
" Wait how do you guys know?" I say and grab a pair of leggings and a sweater.
" Well we kind of looked on Ethan's phone and your texts were the first thing that popped up so we decided to snoop a little," as Grayson joins in the conversation.
" I see well I have to get ready see you guys later," I say and walk to the bathrooms. I change quickly and fix my hair once I'm done I drop my clothes in the dorm room and meet Ethan down by his car.
" Hi there," I say as I saw Ethan.
" Hey are you ready to go?" Ethan asks.
" Yes let's go," I say and get into the car. We had found a little restaurant to eat at, and we decided afterwards that we would go to the beach. We eat at the restaurant and find ourselves at the beach during sunset.
" Abby," Ethan says as we walk.
" Yes?" I ask as I look down.
" I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Ethan asks and he stops. I stand there shocked not thinking that would be the question. I was so shocked that I fainted, and the only person I could hear was Ethan. That was all I remembered until I blacked out.
AN- Well I'm sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it. Please like and comment on the story. THat's it thanks for reading talk to you later bye.- Syd

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