Chapter four (youtube here we come)

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Abby's P.O.V.

    "Well it's finally done all we need to do is upload a video," Oktavia says sighing leaning back in her chair.
"Wait I know who that guy was. It was Connor Franta," I sighed and smiled finally having the weight lifted off my chest because now I knew who he was.
" Wait.. you were still wondering about after an hour ago?" she asked. I sighed walking to my bed and fell on it. " Are going to tell me?" OKtavia kept on pressing while smiling.
" M-maybe," I said into my pillow.
" What I can't hear you," Oktavia said still smiling.
" Yes, I was still wondering about that, now can I live my life once again without being pressured," I said blushing because of the embarrassment.
" Sure but I'm still going to call you out on that now and then," Oktavia said walking back to the computer. " What is the first video that we are going to do?"
" I was thinking about showing them around the campus and tell them about ourselves, if that was ok," I suggest. Oktavia nodded and grabbed the camera. " Wait before we go out to film I need to change. You can go I'll catch up," I say grabbing my favorite jumper that was grey, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I took my hair out of the fishtail braid and make it look wavy. I apply some makeup and put perfume on. I grab my black Vans and head out the dorm room remembering to grab the keys. I take the stairs trying to meet up with Oktavia before she got out of the dorm.
" It took you long enough," said Oktavia,"and why do you look like that?"
" I just wanted to look my best when we film."
" Well if you look that I'm going to change too," Oktavia said heading back," just start walking to the park area we'll start there." I nod and head up to the park. I was to distracted to see what in front of me. That's when I ran into, once again another person.
" I-i'm sorry for bumping into you I didn't mean to," I say blushing looking away.
" Not a problem guuurl," the guy says as I look up to find Tyler Oakley.
" I see you have a video camera in your hands. Do you make YouTube videos?" Tyler asks smiling.
" Actually my friend and are starting one we just made our YouTube channel today," I say shyly looking around to see if Oktavia was coming.
" Wait... is that an Australian accent I hear?" I nod not many people know of anyone from there. " Well you should meet my friend Troye."
" I already met him actually. We rode the same plane here," I say looking away. Just then I see Oktavia running up to me.
" Finally I found you. I also kinda of got lost too," she said laughing. She looks at Tyler and says," hi the name is Oktavia I'm guessing you met my very shy friend over here Abby."
" Well I think it would be fun to collab tell me your YouTube username and I'll subscribe my friends included too," he says laughing and waves as he walks away.
" That was interesting," Oktavia says grabbing the camera from my hands.
" I think it was cool that he wanted to collab with us. It would be a lot of fun."
" Are you ready for the first YouTube video you've ever created." I nod and think of something to say right away. Oktavia nods towards me and I start talking.
" Hey guys what's up? I'm Abby and behind the camera is Oktavia. We know this our first YouTube video, but we wanted to show you around. Let's get started. Well first of all we're in the park and enjoy to think about things here. Oktavia do you want to say anything," I look at her. She nods and gives me the camera
" Well as you can hear Abby has an accent. Well I'm from United States and she's from Australia. She hasn't even been here for 24 hours so give her some time to break out of her shell. Thanks that's all I had to say. Bye,"
    " Well thank you for that short talk Oktavia. As we get to our room we will show you where all of videos will be taken and say our goodbye. " We reach our room and set up the camera just as we were about to say our goodbyes we hear the twins fighting but ignore it. " Well that's pretty much all we have for our first video thanks for watching. Also like and subscribe for more. See you guys soon byeeee." We end the video, and Oktavia gets to work right away.

AN- Well we finally met Tyler, Connor, Troye, Ethan, and Grayson. There might be more to come too!!  I'm sorry that the chapter was short too. That's pretty much thanks for reading. Byeeeee

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