Chapter 10 ( the bad dream)

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Abby's P.O.V.

We had been sleeping for about five hours until I woke up from a bad dream about my past. I wake up panting and overreacting, and Oktavia had woken up with a fright hearing me.
    " Are you okay?" Oktavia asks.
    " Yeah I just remembered that I had forgotten to call my mom I'll be right back," I say grabbing a sweatshirt heading out to where I can think the most the park. I grab my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and call my mom. She picks up on the first ring.
" Honey are you ok it's about 3 there. Why are you calling me?" she asked worried.
" Mom it happened again. The dream came back and I can't get it out of my head," I say walking in a circle.
" Do you need me to come there?"
" No mom stay there with the family, but what should I do? I can't go back to the thing again," I say almost crying into the phone.
" Do you still have the medicine they gave you for you?"
" Yes, but that's not going to help."
" Just try it, and if it doesn't work you're coming home for a while," my mom says. I couldn't go back. Not now, so I was going to have to go through it.
" Ok I'll do that, thanks mom. Bye," I say sighing.
" Bye honey," she says hanging up. I was going to try my best to get through it, but it was going to be hard. I start walking towards the dorm again with a million thoughts in my head. ' No I can't go back to that dark place again,' said one side of my head, and the other was saying, ' Just do it, cut yourself.' I shook my head no and went inside. I get to the dorm grab the pills and take two. I fall asleep again within minutes, and clearing my head.
( Time skip to morning)
" Abby wake up it's almost time for our first class," Oktavia says shaking me awake. I groan rolling over to not face the window.
" Can you just tell the teacher that I'm sick," I say rubbing my eyes and getting up. I still had my sweatshirt on from last night which was a good thing I hadn't told anyone about the problem that I had last night.
" If you want to get good grades I hope you would attend school," Oktavia says getting up," I'll be waiting outside the dorm room for you." I get up grab a pair of sweatpants, an old school sweatshirt from my town, and a pair of slip on UGGs. I put my hair up in a bun and head off to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth a grab my backpack and a water, and head out to class. When I get to my first class all of the seats were taken which meant I had to sit in the back. It wasn't a bad thing either because I had time to think about things. I had already gotten the homework done for this class, so all I pretty much had to do was show up to get the grade for today. The class was pretty much full of students asking questions about the last assignment, and the teacher getting mad that he didn't get to teach his lesson. Class was dismissed, and I was one of the last ones out trying to take my time heading to my next class.
" Hey girl what's the look for," I hear Tyler say behind me.
" Nothing just tired I didn't get much sleep," I say slowing down for him to catch up.
" Well maybe you should just skip classes today and sleep," Tyler says, " I promise I'll tell your teachers why you aren't there."
" Thanks I really need this. Thank you so much," I say smiling now.
" No problem just tell me your classes for today," Tyler says smiling. I tell him the classes that I would be missing, and head to the dorm to get more sleep. Once I get to the dorm I walk up the stairs and head to my room. I hear someone talking in my room, so I guessed it was Oktavia and Grayson. I opened the door to see my ex and Oktavia chatting away. They look up from their conversation and I just run out of there. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran to the park and sat down by a tree. I hear someone coming from behind me.
" Just leave me alone I don't want to deal with this right now," I say crying.
" Oktavia told me about last night about how you woke up from a bad dream. We both know where that's from," I hear the familiar accent.
" Oh great just the person I want to see right now too," I say and get up.
" You need to tell her, I can sense that this is just going to get worse just like last time. I'm worried about you," Zander says.
" Bull you just want me to come back into your arms. I'm not falling for that anymore," I say yelling at him," you were one reason why this had started, and you knew it."
" Come on I know you want a hug right now," he says grabbing my wrist pulling me closer to him. I push away from him making him mad.
" If I did need a hug I wouldn't want it from you," I say and walk away from him.
" I didn't want to this, but," he grabs my wrist again pulling me in and carrying me back to the dorm room. " Don't worry Oktavia said she was going to be back later," he says winking and opening up the door. I look up to see Troye at his door and I mouth 'help me!'
" Excuse me what do you think you're doing," Troye comments," put her down and get out of here before I call security."
" Fine, you were lucky that pretty boy was here to help you," Zander says putting me on the ground and running off.
" Thanks for the help," I say and slide to the ground.
" Do you want to talk about it again," Troye says giving me a hand. I nod getting up and following him to his room. " What just happened," he says closing the door.
" He was in our room talking to Oktavia, and I ran off. I knew his intentions were bad. I didn't want Oktavia to get hurt from this. I swear I'll tell her, but I had a bad night too. I had a bad memory pop into my head it was my depression. I had bad depression before coming here. It was so much better after I had left Zander, but it came back. I knew it was for a reason too. I couldn't sleep at all last night," I say and the verge of tears.
" Wow, I'm sorry that was just my first reaction. If you need to sleep feel comfortable to sleep here. I'll check your room just in case and grab a blanket and a pillow for you too," Troye said.
" Thanks that would make me feel more at ease, and also can you bring me the pills right next to my desk as well," Troye nods and heads off. I wait for a little bit falling asleep right away. I hear Troye come back in and place the blanket on me. He's such a great friend. Then I hear another voice. It sounded like Oktavia's voice, but I was too tired to look up.
(Time skip)
    " It's about time you wake up," Oktavia says as I sit up and stretch.
" Listen I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I meant too, but everything with my ex popped up, and it was just a mess," I say laying back down.
" It's okay I understand why you haven't told me, but we need to be honest with each other for on ok?" she says holding out her hand.

" Ok," I say and shake her hand.
AN- Well that was a roller coaster once again. Thanks for reading like the book, add it to your library, and follow us. We will guarantee a follow back. Bye

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