Chapter 8 (explanation.)

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Abby's P.O.V.

    " Can we talk about this later I just want to get back to the dorm," I say trying to hide from the guy next to us.
" I can't wait all day, but sure we'll talk about when we get back to the dorms," Oktavia agrees.
" Also can you go a little bit faster I really want to get back," I say rushed as the light that we were sitting at turned green.
" What's the rush?" OKtavia says as my phone starts buzzing again. I pick it up to see Troye had texted me saying 'I think your ex is back might want to get a move on.' I reply saying, ' Yeah I see him and could you come to our dorm room once you get back it's about to happen,' I sent the text waiting for Troye's reply, ' Sure I'll see you then.' I put my phone down and try not to look to the side of us.
" Ok we're here you can wake up or get out of the car now," Oktavia says as I practically roll out of the car. I was not ready to tell her what had happened, but it was going to come out sooner than later. I walk up the stairs and wait for Troye to arrive. He arrives soon after us, and Oktavia gives us a weird look. " So are you going to tell me or is Troye going to tell the story for you," Oktavia says waiting for us to sit down.
" Well it all started when I had went to my new school in Sydney. It was the summer holiday, and I couldn't wait to meet new people. I had met many new friends who are still my friends today. It was the start of school when I had started getting bad vibes about school. Soon enough this really cute guy had came into my life. His name was Zander. He was new just like me, and we soon became friends..." I say catching my breath and continuing." We were soon dared to start dating. It was our freshman year then we had lasted all the way through high school together as a couple. We had gotten to the last month of high school and I had not told him that I was going to the U.S. for college. I was ready to tell him on our next date, but he had different plans than what I thought in my mind. We went to our favorite place to eat, and we went to the park afterwards. I went to start talking, but he cut me off getting on his knee and proposing to me. I couldn't do anything I was too stunned to even talk. I shook my head no and told him why. It hit him like a ton of bricks that we wouldn't see each other for a long time. I got up and walked away trying not to start crying. It was hard but I did it and walked away not seeing him ever again until he texted me a couple of days ago saying that I needed to call him. So I did and he told me that I would come running back to him anytime now. That's pretty much it.." I say tearing up after. Troye gave me a hug for comfort as I suck it up and wait for Oktavia to say something.
" You couldn't tell me first... I thought we were friends," Oktavia says a little hurt.
" I'm sorry I was going to  tell you really soon I-i was," I say looking away.
" Yeah like you we're going to tell your ex about college," Oktavia says.
" I was really going to tell you trust me."
" Well right now I can't so let me be for a while," She says and I agree walking out with Troye. He gives me another hug as I start crying harder than before.
" Well that couldn't have gone any worse," I say calming down a little.
" It's okay I bet she'll forgive you soon, but if you need a person to talk to I'm here," Troye says.
" Thanks I'll remember that. If anyone comes to look for me tell them I'm at the park ok?"
" Ok I will."
" Thanks again," I say smiling and walking towards the stairs. I get out of the dorm and hear my phone ringing again. I look at it and pick it up.
" Hello....."
AN- Who do you think it was on the other side of the phone? Also what do you think about the story of Abby's past? Well thanks for reading like, add to your library, and keep reading if you like it so far. Thanks again bye.

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