Chapter 3 (best friends?)

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Oktavia's p.o.v.

I sit up really fast hitting my head. "Ah, I'm going to have to get used to that!" I say shaking it off. I jump down and see Abby who sat on the floor with a single box. "Morning!" I say looking at the clock she had set up.

"Morning, I have a single box l-left," she laughs opening it. I sit on the floor and look at her going through it.

"So I was thinking, since we are roommates and we are going to spend a lot of time together, why don't we just be best friend," I shut my eyes at the corny words I said and look up.

"Sounds good to me," she smiles and sets a pillow in her bed. (A/n) (we know not everyone in this story in real life is freshman year of College age but they are here so.. deal) I look around at our nicely fit dorm and smile. "So um.. Abby, wanna take a day out, I realize you might not have a car yet, but I do and we could go for brunch!"

"Yeah, let me get dressed," She says standing up. I follow and walk to my closet looking at my many outfits. I take short shorts, a Packers bellyshirt, and converse to finish. I also put my hair in the worlds laziest bun, fix my eyebrows, put on light mascara and eyeliners and call it good. By the time I finish I look at Abby who has short leggings, a dark blue tank top and hair In a fishtail braid. I smile and grab my phone off the charger and walk out. "So why come all the way to California to go to college, when you could have stayed in Australia?" I ask locking the dorm door.

"I needed to get away from home, and I feel like this is also a good place to have my career."

"And that would be?"

"Song writer"

"I wanna be a brain surgeon, won't be having classes with you," I laugh and she smiles.

"G-guess not." We walk to my car and sit taking in the long walk we just pulled off. "Too good!" I say and start the car. It took maybe twenty minutes to get Abby to actually decide what she wanted and convince her I will pay, but we finally rested on Pizza Hut because every where else was filled. "What do you like?" I ask sipping my Pepsi.

"Well pineappple," she says smiling. The waiter came over and smiled asking what we wanted. "Pineapple stuffed, medium and that would be it," I say and she nods walking away.

"You didn't have to get that," Abby says a little worried.

"Hey, don't be so shy around me, I'm going to be around you all the time, and I love any food so it's cool," I laugh and she nods.

"I ran into Troye yesterday," she says looking at me.

"Wait like the real guy!" I ask excited. "Yeah." I smile and shake my head realizing my roommate is a fangirl, but it won't help that I too am one. Then two twin boys from yesterday walk on laughing.

"That's the Dolan twins," she wispers a smile in her eyes.

"I see." They sat at a table across from us and got the same thing and looked at us a few times. Every time Abby would smile and almost jump out of her seat.

"Was there no famous people in Australia?" I ask laughing.

"Some, but like you never ran into them, it's like daily almost hourly here," she answers excitedly. "Yeah get used to it," I laugh thinking back in my home town. There was celebrity's who would drive by all the time and it was like so common it wasn't exciting.

"I think we should meet our neighbors," I say taking a bit of the fresh pizza in front of us.

"Sure, I'll watch and you talk." She smiles and I roll my eyes.

"If you wanna be a song writer, one, you need to break that shell of yours, and two, better be damn well ready for classes on Monday."

"I'm not ready," she says wide eyed.

"You will be." I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Not with-" she was cut off by a loud bang witch came from a table next to us. A waiter had walked strait into it spilling drinks all over herself. I held in my laughter knowing it was wrong and Abby looked more shocked than ready to laugh. I quickly stuff pizza in my mouth and look away. 'Things are not like at home' I thought and sighed. 'The people around me are also so diffent' I was used to loud, obnoxious bully's and sitting alone writing. One of my hidden talents. I love to create storys from my mind, being an Auther was my backup plan if all else fails in surgendry.

"I have to use the restroom," Abby smiles walking off. I shrug and grab the last slice and look up meeting one of the twins eyes. He smiled and looked away making my stomach have a nervous feeling. 'No crushes, none, STOP' I scream at my self watching Abby return. She finished and I pay as we walk out. "So what now?" I ask looking at all the stores.

"T-shirts, I need to fit into the 'American' style." She laughs in air qoutes.

"I'm sure you already do, not the accent though." With that we run off and find many stores with cool shirts and other things. We both ended up with a bag full and drove back to the dorms. "So today's day was good!" Abby smiles.

"Well duh, except it's only 2," I say looking at her. She sighs and presses the 3rd floor elevator button. It opens and a guy our age walks out. "I can't name it off the top of my head right now, but he is also a YouTube star!" Abby jumps with a huge grin.

"Oh boy, hold in the excitement!" I laugh and she stops, blushing. The elevator was slow, I mean it could take forever, then Abby pulled my arm into the hall. "Daydreaming?" She asks smiling. "I guess," I laugh and she shakes her head. We walk through the hall looking at everyone's door. They where decorated and then when you get to the end of the hall near our room there was none. "We need to spice things up," I say looking at Abby. She nods in agreement and opens the door letting us in. I throw my bag under my desk as she sits on her bed. She left the door open, not like it mattered. "It's like we where put in the empty area, of boring," she says taking out a camera.

"So, what are you doing?" I ask sitting next to her.

"Well I've always wanted to be a YouTube star, and I got a camera," she says turning it on.

"Wait!" I say and jump to my computer. "I have too! We can set up a YouTube and I can edit, you make the ideas!" I sing and she smiles.

"I thinking we are going to be more than best friends," she laughs pulling a chair next to me.

And that's it! I hope you enjoy this interesting story so far and we will see you... LATER!   ~liv

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