Chapter 19 (back to school for me)

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Oktavia's p.o.v.

I wake up to screams and yelling. I look at the clock and see it's 3: A.M. and I'm still in the couch. "What?" I ask and get up. Everyone's suitcases where by the front door and they were playing downstairs. "Octopus," Scarlett giggles waddling up to me.

"Oktavia, close enough," I say bopping her nose. She was so cute.

"Tav, we leaving," my dad says mom following close behind.

"Okay, I'll lock the door and feed the animals before I leave, and I'll feed them extra!" I laugh before they could tell me off.

"Okay, CHILDREN!" My mom yells and everyone lines up. My mom gives them each one Dramamine (car sickness) pill and each one sleeping pill. They all eat them up and wave goodbye walking out the front door. I lock it behind them and climb back on the couch falling asleep.

(Time skippy)

I wake up and sit up. The clock beeped two and the house was silent. Scary. I grabbed my stuff and packed it away in my new truck. I grabbed my phone and sat at the table looking at texts. I got one from Abby, "made it home safe and sound see u around." And one from Grayson, "heyy how's my girl?" I smile and text him back walking outside. I stand outside the door and just stare at my feet.

'You had something to do..' I kept thinking and then it pops. I walk inside and put litter in the cat box, food and water in their electric feeders. I put the dog in her outside cage with food and water. I lock up the doors and jump in my truck. I was going back to college and break was a week long.

I arrive at the building all but three cars there. I park and walk inside and stand their embarrassing the sound of silence. I walk down the hall, and even farther until it reached the end and our room was there. I open our door and sit at my desk. I was alone, I could do whatever I wanted!!

"I'm going to sleep!" With that I lock the door, climb into bed and lay there.

G - Grayson O - Oktavia

G- hey
O- hia
O-laying in my dorm. Bored.
G-sorry! I'll be back tomo!
O-it's ok, I can't wait!
G-same! Going riding with E talk later
O-okay byee

I close my phone and take a deep breath. I never thought I would get a boyfriend in the first quarter of college, yet alone a famous one. I thought about my life and how I was a sad teenager and ended up passing out.

I wake up to knock on my door. I yawn and pull my hair back into a bun and climb out of bed. I didn't bother check the time and open it to Ethan.

"What," I ask not thinking.

"She is like half zombie, half human," he says looking at Grayson.

"She is a cute zombie human." He relies and I just stand there taking in the cold hallway air. "Oktavia?" They ask waving their hands in front of my face.

"I don't feel good." I say throwing up all over. They had quick reflexes because it went all over the ground in the hall and they were on my bunk covering their eyes. I just knelt down and sat there before a janitor saw and helped me up. "I'm sorry," she says looking into the dorm. "Guys help her clean up I'll pick this up." She says and they nod jumping over it. Ethan traveled back to his dorm room and Grayson walked me to the bathroom. He couldn't come with me so he stood outside it and waited. I showered and washed my hair, stomach pain throbbing. I get out fast and brush my hair and teeth and change. I put on pink and white pajama pants with a white tank top. I walk out and see grayson in his phone.

"Hey." I say and he looks up.

"Feel better?"

"No." He smiles and gets up taking my hand and walking us back to the room. He grabbed my blanket and took my to their room and laid down with me on his bed watching tv. After awhile of sleeping, groaning in pain, and watching the stupid show I turn and face Grayson.

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