She shrugged her shoulders "I don't care about that, just find someone else"

His face that was cool and gentle when she scolded him turned to its normal stern look after she was done.

She went ahead and walked to the door and exited it.

As she walked towards the elevator she heard his voice. It was so clear and audible because he was the only one talking at that point.

He was on the phone, and with the look of it he wasn't sounding so pleased.

Getting outside the company, the realization that she still didn't have a place to stay hit her and made her stomach turn.

Dylan finished up with the documents and was still flabbergasted. If he ever had any plans on continuing work that night, they weren't possible anymore.

Lorraine confronted him, what no woman has ever done to him... And he let her.

He certainly won't be marrying her, Not for business or any other thing, he thought as he gnashed his teeth walking out of the company.


He got inside his car and roared it to life and then zoomed off... All he needed was a cup of whiskey.

As Lorraine Walked on the streets, she started regretting lashing out at Dylan.

The worst part about her getting angry and lashing out to people is that she feels bad about it later and regrets it.

She took a few more steps and suddenly heard the sound of thunder and she definitely knew what was coming next.

A down pour of rain.

She looked around and didn't find any bus stops or any place she could be shielded from the rain

Her mind ran in a million circles

How would she get away from the rain?

How would she get a place to sleep tonight?

Should she go beg her former boss?

These thoughts ran through her head when all of a sudden without warning the rain poured and started to drench her so badly.

"it's official... Today is the worst day of my life" she huffed as she continued walking.

Thank God her stuff were still at her apartment. Lewis allowed her to keep them there for a day.

No car was passing by and she was just few blocks away from Dylan's company

The rain was getting heavier and she was getting Cold

She heard the sound of a car all of a sudden behind her and turned around to look at who it was

Of course it was him

He saw her

He knew it was her but still drove away

He drove past her even though she waved at him to stop

"You're such a jerk!" She yelled

She continued walking till she gave up

She broke down and sat on the edge of the road. The rain soaked her hair and scattered it  all over her face like a veil.

Something was pricking Dylan

He knew what he had done. He left a woman out in the rain

Even if it was a whore he would have helped her.

But this woman wasn't a whore but a woman who confronted him.

Something No woman has ever done. But he couldn't be so heartless regardless.

Married for his business.Where stories live. Discover now