Secure. Contain. Protect

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   The man rattled the chains,  pulling at them and thrashing his body around with a fearful twist.  He tried to pull himself into a standing position but his legs wouldn't cooperate with him.  He screamed loudly and cursed with an agitated sigh.  He was like a lion in captivity,  helplessly begging for freedom.

  A light flashed on,  the same way as the light turned on for Tim. But the man was not happy with the visitors.  Instead,  he jabbed at them.  Yelling,  taunting,  laughing,  acting wildly for anyone to give him some type of answer. He had no idea how long he was trapped down there or if Tim had been awoken during the time that he had been down there.

  Of course,  all of his demented screaming had got him nowhere,  for the scientist that had been holding him captive for 4 weeks had been warned of his sudden changes and knew not to be intimidated by the psychopathic being. 

  "Now now,  thing,  this will get you no where.  You need to relax and sit straight." The scientist laughed to himself as he watched his subject obey him blindly.  "Good boy. " He grinned madly as he looked towards the man. 

Masky glared darkly at the man as he sat straight.  He had heard of scientists kidnapping his kind, using them as experiments to try and turn them into super weapons that would be used in upcoming wars. But he had always brushed them off as just a story meant to keep everyone on their guard.

   "You liked to be called masky,  yes? " The scientist asked as he picked up a syringe from a tray.  He flicked it twice and then he looked up,  grinning at the man. 

   Masky glared at the man and watched cautiously as the scientist aproched him. "What do you think you are doing with that?" He asked as he tried to push himself more against the wall. 

  "Research my boy. You know how it goes,  my research needs to be completed by Experimentation. And you,  like many others are the experiment." He laughed wildly as he knelt down in front of masky.

   "Don't you fucking dare. " He spat as he kicked his leg up,  kicking the syringe out of the scientist' hand.  The syringe fell to the floor and rolled a few inches before the scientist picked it back up. 

  "Now now,  if I were you I'd cooperate.  For if I miss the vein,  it could kill you.  And if I don't get all of it out in one shot then you will die. And if I can't do it at all,  I'll have you strapped down to the table." He grabbed onto maskys arm once more and he squeezed down hard.  He smiled darkly as he watched the man squirm from his grasp. But when the man made no effort to try and make the scientist loose the syringe the scientist drove the syringe into his shoulder and plunged all of its contents into his veins. 

  Masky looked at the scientist with wide eyes,  a childlike look make him look broken,  lost.  Then suddenly,  his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let out a loud sound as he gasped for air and shook.  He shook violently,  he tried to swing his arms around to at least attempt to hit something,  but they remained by his side.  He thrashed his body around and he put his hands to his neck,  clawing at it leaving red marks all down his throat. 

  All while this was happening,  the scientist laughed.  He howled laughter in amusement as he got to his feet and observed the other man.  He walked over to the medical table and he picked up a clipboard and began to write his observations.

'Subject TMI-7377-3227 has been acting strangely after taking the first round of his tests.  Giving off slight symptoms of  seizures.  Shaking,  mumbling incoherent words,  and gasping for breath while trying to tear into his own flesh. I'm still unsure if this is an allergic reaction or if it is just a reaction to the new concoction. More studies will have to be conducted before we can test this on other subjects. ' He gave one last look at masky before he walked out of the room,  shutting off the light and letting the door slam down behind him.

Everything is (Not) Fine (A Creepy pasta/ Marble Hornets Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now