Our Child is Insane.

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Masky ran through the town, darkness began to stretch the town. A large clock tower somewhere off in the distance chimed 9 times. Most of the lights were off, indicating that the residence were either in bed or enjoying their nighttime activities. The masked man chuckled to himself as he slowed himself down and started to walk. The night was quiet and most noises were brought down to a minimum. The cars, which seemed so abundant just a few hours prior now seemed scarce as only a couple of cars would drive on the roads every so often. Soon, everything was left in darkness and the man was truly alone.

Traveling down a vacant road left Masky to his own thoughts. He wondered how long he would have control for; he hoped that it would be long enough for him to have fun. He wanted to make sure he could savor this moment with his own body until Tim awoke. He hated the fact that he had to share his body, in fact, it infuriated him. He didn't want to have to deal with whatever Tim did. The worst part was that he never knew what Tim would do, like Tim, whenever he was put to "sleep" he didn't have control. He didn't see what Tim saw, he didn't get to remember anything that Tim did. That pissed him off. Because every time he woke up in another state, in a random hotel, it made him freak out.

Most of the time, while he was asleep, he would see memories of what his life was like before Marble hornets. Most of the time it was about the mental institution, but on a rare occasion he would get to see the life Tim had with his parents. Masky, of course knew that part of the problem was him. I mean, who wouldn't freak out when all of a sudden your child wakes up from a nap and has a different voice, and a whole new personality? Masky was always a troubled child. He would always do things to get in trouble, when Tim would wake up, he would of course have no memory of the act. Which angered the parents. They thought that he was a pathological liar, infamous for always causing trouble and even though he was caught in the act and punished; a few hours or even days later he would claim that he never did anything of the sort. He would always stare with such an innocently confused face.

"Mommy, I didn't do it I swear! I don't remember ever even being here." Tim would call out to her whenever she would bring up a past argument. Tim was only 5, and most 5 years olds lied to cover their asses. But Marie knew better, she could tell that there was something majorly wrong. With the mood swings and the personality change... She, and her husband Thomas came to the conclusion on their own that Timothy Wright had split personality, bipolar-depression, anexity, schizophrenia, and of course he was a pathological liar. But of course none of those things listed above were true... Besides for bipolar depression and anxiety.

One day, while Tim was in Preschool, Masky came out. He created a name for himself and no longer would he accept being called anything else. He liked to call himself Ashton, and people were confused. But after a while of harassment, the students budged and started calling him Ashton. When Tim came back, everyone kept calling him Ashton, confused and violated. He cried for an hour about how his name was Timothy, Timothy Wright.

That was the last straw. Marie finally called a doctor, she was pregnant again and she didn't want her sons influence on the new baby. With the approval on Thomas's side, she called a home doctor. After explaining everything, a doctor came straight away. He was to stay at the house for one week before he could evaluate his opinions to the troubled couple.

After a week, the doctor was mortified at what he saw. Under close observation the doctor could see an array of bruises and cuts along the poor child's body.

when asked about what happen, Tim couldn't come up with an explanation. He would stare blanky at the doctor. "I... Don't remember sir." He would say politley. The doctor became confused and he would observe the family closer.

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