The arc

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Sorry for the long wait guys. I've been super busy and I've been under writers block for quite some time now. But I did it and now the next chapter is here. Yay.

I jumped up as soon as I gained consciousness. My mind eased to a million questions as I took in my surroundings. Tall trees littered around with overgrown bushes swaying in the slight breeze. It was at that moment when I realized that I had been lying in rosswood park. I looked up to just barely see the sunlight scattering around trying to break it's way to the woodlings floor and I sighed.

How long had I been out? How many days had I been under his influence?

I looked down to see that I had been coated in blood and muck and I sighed, this had been the third victim I've claimed since I've ended the video tapes for good. It's terrible that I didn't actually remember any of it, or that I felt no remorse over it either. It was all a blur of numbness.

I got up and I let out a little sigh. I had seen many things in my life, and- surprisingly enough- I was quite surprised to see, an old friend standing just yards away from me.

My mouth twisted down to a hateful snarl as memories came crashing down on me like a tidal wave of feels.

Alex stood before me. His same cold emotionless eyes seeped into my soul, twisting my emotions and toying with my sanity. Alex, didn't say anything, he didn't move. He just stood there like a block of wood.

"Hey!" I called out. "What the hell are you still doing alive!?" I flung myself forward, running towards Alex as fast as my tired legs could carry me. Alex grinned at me. Still void of any emotion.

"Death," He replied, "is not a game. Timmothy, I am still here. And we- we still have business to tend to." His voice was cold and empty as the words clicked off of his tongue as if he had been practicing those lines in a mirror for 3 weeks.

I scoffed at his words and I resisted the urge to push him back. "You, Alex have no right to tell me what is and is not a game. I'm not the one dragged hell here, unleashing its fury on unsuspecting college mates. Now did I?" I glared, my face turning red from anger and stress.

Alex could only chuckle as my glare seemed to pass right over him. He let out a breath before he turned to face the trees around him, slowly making a 360 turn and he turned back. "This," he started as a grin plastered his crusty lips, "this is a game, a silly game the operator threw at us. But, you should know the facts before throwing accusations around. We all know the real reason as to why he is still here, why he has been here since the beginning of marble hornets. And that reason, is you. Tim, you are the source, the trigger. It's all you. You are the arc." Alex couldn't contain his laughter as it echoed through the trees.

I felt my heart plumit as I stared at Alex. "You're lying. You have no idea who I am. You're just covering for your ass." I replied clenching my fists.

"Am I?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. "So tell me, Timmothy, how long has the operators presence been presented to you? Tell me, why were you locked up in that mental ward for so long. Those hallucinations that brought you right to rosewood park, night after night?"

"I may not know who you are, but I know your past. I know that the operator has been around you since you were a child and that the only reason he bothered with me, With Brian, which Amy, with Jessica, with Jay, with Seth, and with now possibly thousands of others is because you, you Tim, had been exposing us to him. You brought him to us." Alex growled as he brought his fist to a nearby tree. "YOU ARE THE REASON HE IS HERE, TIM, YOU ARE THE ARC!"

The words hit me like a ton of bricks as flashbacks of my childhood left me reeling for a conclusion. I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right.... He had to be wrong. I was not the arc, he, had been the arc. He was the one that the operator had claimed. Everytime Alex was around the opertor was bound to follow..... Speaking of which....

I looked around, scoping the area, making sure to capture every detail. But... I couldn't find anything. Everything was clear and normal, there wasn't any phenomenal creature lurking around.... I stared in disbelief. Alex only shook his head.

"He is not attached to keep anymore, he is stuck with you and that "Second" personality of yours. If we can even say that. I'm sure that's a lie as well, I'm sure you have full control over your thoughts and that you just want him to come out; don't you Tim?" Alex was taunting me now and I couldn't control my anger, I curled my fists a few times and I just walked off. I didn't want to hear anymore of his useless rantings.

"Be warned, He is coming for you. And this time he isn't going to play nice, he has waited far too long for you." Alex chuckled.

Everything is (Not) Fine (A Creepy pasta/ Marble Hornets Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now