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                                          June 11, 2017
   Dearest readers, 

Hello,  as some of you may know,  the end of the year is rolling on by. This would mean that finals are coming up and school is not slowing down for me. I work till the end and even though it's literally killing me I cannot take a break.

   Along with school I am having a lot of issues at home,  some... Too embarrassing and personal to admit aloud to anyone,  but I will say this,  my family has hit rock bottom and I don't know if we will be able to dig ourselves out.

  Because of all this stress and things getting in the way,  I feel as if I should just warn all of you now that updates will become slower,  chapters will be shorter.

   I'm sorry,  I was really getting into the swing of things but for now just until things start to settle down, I have to put this book down and be cautious of my school,  and my home.

  But,  don't worry. It's not a permanent thing. It's just for a few weeks. Just until the school year is officially over for me. So,  until june 22 or until further notice,  it's going to be a lot different from here on in.

  Thank you for your support and your patients. I appreciate everything. I hope you all have a great time until I am back with another chapter.

    With love, 


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