I Guess This Is Happening...?

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So, um....I let one thing slip on the group chat. We were posting pics of our horrible student I.D.'s, and I said that Maki's looked cute. Now everyone ships us. We ship us, but we're in that weird 'not dating YET' stage. Y'know, when you don't want to rush into a relationship, but you both like each other and flirt with each other and stuff? Yeah, that.

And my feelings for Ben have dulled down to where I care about him like any other friend of mine. I ferociously care about my friends. Oh, you're not getting any sleep? Let me list all of the ways that I know of that can cure insomnia. You're not eating? I'm going to threaten to force feed you, tell your family, and tell whoever your in a relationship with. That way, they can make you eat if I'm not able to be near you. New boyfriend/girlfriend is harassing you and trying to pressure you into things? Let me just get the gasoline, matches, and find out where they live.

But back to Maki. I really, really like him. And he seems to really like me. He even said 'love you lots' the other day. We're not even dating yet. But I want to date him. But I'm pretty sure it's too soon, and I don't know how I would tell my parents that I'm dating a Junior that's 18 years old. Then again, they got together when my mom was 15 and my dad was 19. So they don't really have any room to complain. I'm sure I'm just overthinking like usual and they'll just be like "What grade is he in? 11th, okay. How old is he? 18? Don't do anything stupid. Why was he held back? Oh, he didn't speak English very well when he was little, okay. Be careful and don't do anything stupid, okay? Just tell us if something's wrong and we'll take care of him."

Yet, I still want to wait because I want to get to know him a bit more before I date him. And also I don't want to look like...(Tulsa spelled backwards). It's only been a little over a month since Ben and I broke up. Yeah, he already s dating someone new, but that's him. If I keep getting a new boyfriend very few months, my family and friends will start to question my judgement. And my classmates will think I'm (Tulsa spelled backwards).

Oh well. I'll probably try to make it official sometime in October. After all, it's the beginning of September. A month, or a month and a half, more will be alright. Right....?


A/N: Tell me who you ship with Emi. It won't really change who she ends up with, but I would like to know.

Bye, lovely people~

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