Screw You, Feelings

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I had a friend ask Ben if he had any feelings for me anymore. He said no. Then Ben told me he was dating Tina's younger sister now. Her. The chic that accused me of telling her to kill herself. The chic that's trying to ruin my life.


Calm down, Emi. These feelings of yours are dumb anyways. They're probably just the result of reading too much romcom manga. It's nothing special. So what if he's dating her? Yeah, she's the girl trying to completely ruin my friendships, but eeeeeehhhh. It's his choice of who he dates.

It's not like he likes me anyway....Stupid online quote gave me hope.... "If two ex lovers can still be friends, they were either never in love, or still are." Yeah right.... Tell that to my shattered heart and hurt pride.... I was so embarrassed because he caught on that the guy I like is him... And he's with someone else....

UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Why does it hurt?! I nearly started crying in the middle of class! I don't need a love.... I just need food, friends, manga/anime, and writing....

Who am I kidding...? I'm a hopeless romantic, I'll always want someone to love me in a romantic way.... o(TヘTo)

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