Just A Random Weekend Day

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I flopped on my purple bed in my panda hoodie/sweater/dress. I brushed my light brown hair out of my face, revealing strange hazel eyes. Blue-green-brown up close, appearing a light whiskey color today, behind the glass of purple glasses.

I opened up my laptop and quickly checked the chatroom. No one on since two days ago. I closed that and opened up YouTube. I looked up Sims 4 challenges. "Not So Berry?" I clicked on it. I was instantly addicted. Then it stopped a few episodes in. "Uggghhh. None of the other ones look as good. I mean, this one has an entire playlist, but the titles make it seem like it's all bad stuff and evil people. I like the sweetness/sassiness of the other simmer's sim. And I don't want to subscribe because like half of her content is Sims 3 videos.."

I sighed and clicked out of YouTube.


I was watching a show while scrolling through Pinterest on my phone. Funny memes, cute animals, people protesting against school dress code, etc.

Then a text popped up. It was from Ben.

B: Hey. Thought we could talk for a bit.

E: Hi.

B: What've you been up to?

E: Computer, phone, random TV show, the usual. You?

B: I had to do some chores today, then I was gaming for a bit.

E: Cool.

E: Hey, um, can I ask you something?

E: Never mind. I actually shouldn't ask that.

B: What? What is it?

E: I..

B: Emi?

E: Am I ever annoying? And does that have an effect on how you feel about me?

B: You've never been annoying.

E: Okay. Well, I have to go to bed.

E: Night, I

B: You what?

E: Sorry, that last part wasn't supposed to send. Night, Ben.

B: Goodnight Emi.


'I almost said "Night, I love you". Why?! Why stupid brain?! Get it together!' I laid in bed, overthinking everything. Like usual. 'He doesn't love me anymore! The feelings faded and I was kinda difficult to deal with! Or maybe he just said that because he was forced to break up with me.. What am I thinking?! I've never met his parents so they can't hate me already, I highly doubt his friends had any influence, and it's not like he was being threatened! This isn't some action movie. And literally zero people are interested in me, so it's not like some stalker threatened him. He probably would've beat the shit out of them if that happened. Where was I going with this? Ooh~! Cutsey fantasy with holding hands and cuddling and little kisses~!'

That is when I fell asleep, dreaming of cutesy couple-y things. Poor, poor me...


A/N: Just a little random chapter.

See ya~

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