Ch. 22 : The War Begins

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Ray was disappointed when she found out her and Naruto were being sent off to some island for a secret mission. She was disappointed mostly because she knew it was bull shit to keep them away from the war. Shikamaru convinced her to go though. The trip was daunting, Guy was sea sick the entire time and there was no fun about being on a boat for so long. When they arrived, they were attacked by a giant squid, Ray wasn't too concerned about it, but some octopus guy saved them. Once they were on the island Naruto began to bug the Killer Bee guy about helping him tame his half of the nine-tails.

"Why didn't you tell me your friends with your tailed beast!?" Naruto yelled as they walked to the waterfall, "I thought that was mentioned when my past was first explained to you" Ray put her hands behind her head, "NO!" he yelled once more, "then why can't you help me!" he continued to yell. Ray rubbed her ear, "because my situation with befriending Kurama is a little different than yours" Kurama then spoke to Ray 'and the half he has is a bit of a dick' Kurama laughed, causing to Ray to laugh as well, "what's so funny!" Naruto continued to yell at Ray, "oh nothing" she shook her head. "In any case could you do me a favor and summon Gamakichi?" Ray asked, "uhh, I suppose, why?" Naruto stopped as they reached the mysterious waterfall he was supposed to be training at, "just do it" Ray ordered, "fine, fine" Naruto used a couple of hand signs summoning Gamakichi, "yo, Naruto" he waved as he appeared. "Ray wanted me to summon you" Naruto shrugged, "ok" Gamakichi turned to Ray, "is Pa ready?" she asked, "oh right, yea, he's actually been wondering when you would come train with us, if you're ready just wait here" Gamakichi explained, "yea give me five minutes to talk to Naruto" Ray smiled, "ok, later" he then disappeared. Naruto stood there slouched over in confusion, "what?" Ray smiled at Naruto, "Pa is gonna train me in the sage jutsu" Naruto stood up straight, "you better not come back before I'm done training you can't beat me at training to" he complained, "I'm sure I will, later" she waved as she poofed away.

"You sure you're ready for this training?" Pa asked Ray as she arrived, "you bet" she gave him a thumb up. "Then let's start" Pa began to hop away with Ray shortly behind him.

A week or so went by when Ray returned finished with her training, and Naruto had succeeded in obtaining some of his nine-tails chakra and was now training with Bee to harness it. She also found that they had killed Kisame in her absence, rather battled him and he fed himself to his own sharks to keep from leaking intel.

 She also found that they had killed Kisame in her absence, rather battled him and he fed himself to his own sharks to keep from leaking intel

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