Ch. 15 : News of Jiraiya

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It had been less than a day since they returned when Naruto and Ray were summoned to Tsunade's office. When they entered the room Tsunade was sitting at her desk, Kakashi, Sakura and Shikamaru were standing near the desk and some frog was sitting on Tsunade's desk. 'Something is wrong' Ray looked around trying to read the issue. They all looked to her saddened. "What's going on something wrong?" Naruto asked casually, "so this is Jiriya boys student and adopted?" the frog spoke looking them both, "well not really adopted but he did bring her back to the village when training with Naruto" Tsunade confirmed for the frog. "Who's the old geezer frog?" Naruto put his hands in his pockets lazily, Ray stood silent, normally she might correct him for being so rude but she was to pre-occupied with the dark cloud hanging over the room. "You see...Jiriya boy has fallen in battle" the frog came straight out with it, "W-What" Naruto stood shocked, as did Ray she knew it was bad news but this. "No, he can't" Naruto shook his head. Ray looked down hiding her tears before she ran out of the room, Naruto took no notice of it, while Shikamaru began to run after her, "Shikamaru" Kakashi called after him but he didn't listen. "Leave them" Tsunade instructed.

Ray was running down the halls out of the building and through the village, Shikamaru found it difficult to keep up with her, "Ray" he called after her. She took no note of it, 'Ray you must calm down' she heard Kurama speak to her, she just shook her head causing her to lose what little composure she had and fall to the ground, she quickly got back up running once more. 'Ray, stop!" Kurama yelled to her, his outburst caused her to stop, she found herself in a field, she had no idea how far she had run. 'Ray I know your upset but listen' Ray found herself in her psyche looking up at Kurama, 'I want you to know something about Jiriya,' Kurama looked down at her sadly, 'I didn't want to tell you before because I wanted to let Jiriya tell you but...' Ray looked at Kurama sadly and confused, 'what is it?' she sniffled, 'well Jiriya was your godfather' he stated simply. 'Wait, what...' Ray's eyes widened, 'how do you know that?' Kurama looked away, 'there are many things you don't know that I want you to find out on your own, but I wanted you to know this, so you knew why you had a connection with him' Ray looked away. 'Why...' she shook her head, 'Ray I'm sorry' Kurama lay down to get closer to her level, 'it's not your fault' she looked at him caringly, 'it's Pein's, had I known he was going to find more information...' she said more sternly, however this did not stop Kurama from interrupting her 'it would have changed nothing, he still would have gone and both of you could have ended up dead' Kurama matched her intensity, Ray looked away sadly for a moment, but then looked back to Kurama, 'I want to start our training' Kurama looked at her surprised then smiled, 'we can do that but you need to get some sleep first, go back, Shikamaru is probably still looking for you' Kurama instructed her. 'What do you mean? Shikamaru?' Ray tilted her head, 'I suppose you didn't notice but he was chasing after you when you left Tsunade's office,' Kurama explained. 'Aww man, I feel kind of bad but he will probably be mad I ran off like that' Ray complained just before she left her psyche.

She looked around still not sure how far she had gone, Shikamaru hadn't found her, she found her way to the top of a tree nearby to judge where she was. She jumped down after she found the direction of the village advancing towards it. She didn't walk long till Shikamaru found her, "Ray!" he yelled as the distance between them lessened. "Shikamaru" Ray didn't want to meet his eyes. Once he caught up to her he embraced her, Ray's eyes widened, "Shikamaru" she said quietly as she returned his embrace. "I thought you left" he held her tighter, "no, not yet" she shook her head as it was buried in his chest, "yet?" he pushed her back to meet her eyes with his own. "I am going to train hard before I decide to take on the rest of the Akatsuki, most that are left are too powerful for me to face on my own now" she explained, 'well at least she's not leaving for now' Shikamaru thought. "So..." Ray looked away her face bright red. Shikamaru noticed this but wasn't sure if it was because she had been crying or because they were so close to each other "were uhh.." she looked down at the little space between them. Shikamaru's face went red as well as he stepped back quickly parting their embrace, "sorry" he rubbed the back of his head. "Shall we go back to the village?" Ray began to walk towards the village, "yea" Shikamaru joined her. They walked back to the village in silence both still embarrassed about their interaction.

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