Thunder Storms (Ashton Irwin)

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Edited: 12/01/19

Having had an all day movie marathon at Ashton's place, you fell asleep on the couch halfway through the last movie. Ashton hates waking you so he carried you to his bedroom.

Thunder cracks and you bolt up in bed, your heart beating fast. You try to block out the sounds of the storm overhead. 

You have an irrational fear of thunder storms and there's no reason why, you're just genuinely scared of them. As another crack of thunder booms, you begin to shake, the tears dribble down your cheeks. It's dark and you're scared. 

You don't want to wake Ashton so you try to cry silently. A loud sob escapes your mouth and Ashton stirs beside you. He try and lie back down but you're still shaking.


His voice is husky and full of sleep and your stomach does a mini somersault. it's hard to make out in the dark but it looks like he's is rubbing his eyes and he rolls over to look at the clock. It's 4am. You bite your lip, feeling bad as Ash has a band rehearsal in 3 hours. He gently slips his arms around your waist, and buries his head in your hair. He kisses your head. 

"Its okay baby, I'm here." 

He knows how scared you are but your fears begin to melt away as his arms are protectively wrapped around you. He pushes your hair out of your face and delicately kisses each eyelid, brushing the tears away. 

Another clap of thunder and you're shaking like a leaf. He pulls you even closer, so that you can't tell where you start or he ends.

His mouth slowly kisses the bridge of your nose and makes its way down your  face until you feel his lips connect with yours. 

You pull Ashton closer as his lips gently play with yours. You smile and he pulls you on top of him, cradling your body close to his.

"Nothing is ever going to hurt you, and nothing can ever take you from me."

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