Fresh Tears (Ashton Irwin)

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Edited: 11/01/19

You open the door of the house one more time. You stare at the charred walls which were once minty green and are now completely black. Your trainers crunch on the rubble and debris which still litter the floor. It's been 3 years since the fire and it still makes you feel hollow every time you visit. It held your future. With Ashton. 

But your stupid ex boyfriend out of spite, decided as a drunken joke to throw a lit cigarette into your open bedroom window. You had managed to get Ash out but not in time. He'd died on the way to the hospital. They said it wasn't your fault but deep down you know it was, if only you'd moved house or closed the window or gone to bed later, none of this would have happened.

 Your phone rings and you fish it out of your pocket. It's Anne, your nanny.

"I have Ashton here and he wants to say something, go on Ashton don't be silly." 

There's a moment of shuffling and then you hear and child's voice at the end of the phone. 

"Hi mummy, come home soon please, I'm lonely." 

Even though he was only 2 and a bit, he had an obvious Australian accent which makes fresh tears in your eyes. He was the only reminder that your relationship with Ashton was real. You'd gone to live in Australia with your nanny and your son; Ashton. You'd named him that because his daddy would be proud and would joke about calling him Ashton Junior. You turn to leave the skeleton of the place you used to call home. Every time you visit, you leave, feeling just as empty as before.

"Goodbye Ash."

EDIT: Man, I just read this all over again and cried an ocean. What is wrong with me?!

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