“I’ll introduce myself while you go get dressed. Just let me dry my eyes.” He says, looking at me. In his eyes, I can see how torn up he is about this. His oldest daughter just died, and now I’m his oldest, and only, daughter. The thought chokes me up, and I force back tears as I go into my room to get ready.

I take only a couple minutes. I put on a white and blue striped shirt, Christy’s red jacket, jeans, and my Marauder’s Map shoes. My hair goes up in its customary bun, and I walk downstairs, eyes red, but I don’t think that that will change anytime in the next couple of days. Trina is talking animatedly to my father, who laughs at something, and then shoos her off when he sees me. I wave to him and grab my satchel, which is pretty much my purse, and follow Trina to her car outside.

Christy’s Jeep, last I heard, is in the shop, but the damage is not fixable. I have a license, and I know that my father will try to buy me a car before he leaves. But I don’t want a car. I just like walking and buses better. I’m going green. But really, I only took up the habit because Christy refused to drive me anywhere.

Her car is the silver Sedan that I saw the first time I was in the driveway of the warehouse. This strikes me as odd, because Jared is the silver wolf, and she’s the jet black one. “The mall?” She asks, pulling her bob into a short ponytail before pulling out of my drive.

“Yeah,” I start. “There’s a bakery near there. What kind of cake does Peter like the best?”

“Oh. I should ask him.” She’s silent for a moment. “He wants chocolate.”

“I take it he’s feeling better about the whole birthday thing?”

“Yeah. He just needed a solid night’s sleep and some decent food. He’s really excited, I swear. He made me make sure that I went to pick you up, even though I was already going to. He would have talked to you beforehand, but you know what happened to the connection…. That’s why Sabrina’s not coming to the party. She forced Peter to make the connection again, and she has a killer headache, she told me.”

“It’s extremely painful!” I say, sitting up in my seat.

“I’ve heard.” She chuckles. “So, you like Harry Potter?”

“Like? No, I don’t like it. I love it. If there was anything I wanted to do at my bachelorette party, it would be watch the entire series and then eat cake.”

“That would be cool. But it would be better if we dressed up like witches and went around cursing people.” My eyes go wide, and my knuckles turn white as I grip the armrest with all of my might.

“I love you.” I say, and Trina laughs. “No matter what happens, you have to plan my bachelorette party with me and you have to be there.” Trina nods, and I lean back in the seat, imagining all of the possibilities. I’ve never even had a boyfriend, and now I’m wishing that I was getting married tomorrow. That would be the best thing ever.

“Oh, I love this song!” Trina says, and turns the radio up. Despite her punk rock look, the song is one that I actually know from sitting in the car with Christy. I start singing along with her, and pretty soon we’re dancing along to the beat with the windows down until we reach the mall.

Trina leads me to a guy’s clothes store, where she goes straight to the jackets. “They took his favorite jacket when we were in jail, and they didn’t give it back when we left, which is stupid. Which one fits his personality the most?”

“I like the grey one.”

“Well, it’s for him. Not for you.”

“Peter would like the grey one.” I say matter-of-factly and hold it up for her to see. She looks at it for a second and finally nods. She takes it to the counter without batting an eye at the price. Trina pays with a credit-card and we go on our merry way through the mall, one bag in our possession.

I'll Wait For You - NaNoWrimo 2016 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now