Chapter 27: New Power, forged by many

Start from the beginning

"Will of Fantasia?" said Arthur

"I...don't know"

The feeling of hope, from Alise's power, began to slip through their fingers, as if the solid chunk of hope began to melt. The will of Fantasia spoke after moments of silence "I'm afraid I don't fully understand her power. I may know what it does...but not how it works"

"Like I know that a motorbike drives..." said Sheena "but knowing how to drive it is another thing"

"that is it in exact words. Just know this,  just thinking something is fiction won't work. It has to be something which isn't supposed to exist...that you can make real"

"then it isn't going to be as simple as picturing Noire away" said Zophia "we'd better start pooling our ideas together"

"And quickly" said Thor "because Arion is out of missiles"

Arion was semi-panting in place as the barrels of his rocket launchers all smoked from the rockets. The launchers then folded up and went back into his metallic shoulders. Noire, still bathed in her golden glow was surrounded by small shells of rockets that littered the floor around her "well...that was different" said Noire "but it appears you've run out. Now it's my turn"  Arion quickly hunched forward, to which a jet pack formed on his rocket, allowing to take off just as Noire reached him.

Noire aimed out her hand band began shooting bolts of lightning. Arion swerved in the air to dodge every one, as they all struck different parts of the room. Arion's fatigue was catching up as he felt himself slowing down. Noire shot a double stream of lightning with Arion thrusting forward his hands to shoot energy beams cancelling them out with explosions.

As the smoke cloud cleared Arion quickly saw Noire had gone. Arion's eyes, literally, scanned the area for Noire until he then felt a chill down his metallic spine. As he turned round all he could see was a palm an inch from his chest "you know the saying don't you Arion" said Noire with a cunning smile "what goes up...must go down" with a strong sudden effort, a blast of wind sent Arion down, rolling in the air, like a metal meteorite smashing into the floor.

As the dust cleared, Arion was in a press-up position looking to have just recovered however Arion was back to human form. Arion was sort of doing press-ups as he breathed in and out quite quickly "Arion!" called Thor "jump and!" Arion didn't even ask why, as he quickly rolled to the side...just as Noire stomped into where Arion was.

Arion got up to his feet, again leaning on Excalibur while Noire began to look almost pained "You're...starting to get on my nerves" said Noire biting her lip, and shutting one eye "Why won't you just give in?"

"like I haven't played a lot of games have you?" said Arion "The villain is always challenged. So deal with it!" Noire looked quite angry by his statement "alright my turn. Why...Why are you doing all this?"

"no reason. The same reason with all video game villains, I see what I want...I get what I...then I take" Arion just felt aggravated as he groaned

"I can't tell what hurts body, or the fact your using a video game to rule the world...when you know next to nothing about Video games" Noire almost growled at him with her eyes as sharp as daggers.

Arion stood up straight, breathing a bit quickly "Most villains do have a reason for being bad. Some are actually heroic...they just go about it wrong.  Some are evil because of revenge, others to fulfil a goal like Lancelot who wanted to feel the joy of a challenge"

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