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Liz and I were still stuck in a tree room or hut with two of the apes. They both seemed about our age, we're sixteen and the apes are 8 years old but they age quicker than we do. So they're techinally about 16 or 17 like me and Liz.
"Ari, Ari, Ari, Ari"
"Yes Liz!"
"What does a nosey pepper do?"
"I don't know, what?"
"Gets jalapeño business!"
I shook my head while Liz laughed super hard at her cheesy joke and the apes also were giggling to her joke. I couldn't focus on anything Liz was trying to tell me , I was focusing on how we were going to get out of the ape colony without being seen.
Blue Eyes, we should go fishing, Ash signed
We can't we have to watch the humans
C'mon Blue they can't get past any of the guards, plus they seem well behaved
Fine Ash, but just for a little bit
Deal, as Ash said that he jolted up and walked outside with Blue Eyes, who looked nervous going but still went.
I made sure they were a little bit farther so they couldn't hear us, plus I knew the guards outside wouldn't see us because the blind curtain is so thick you can't see through it.
*whispers* "Okay Liz, we're going to get out of here"
*whispers* "How, plus I don't think whispering helps us look innocent, let's sign"
"Okay" so let's gather our clothes and put them in our backpacks first of all.
Liz and I quickly packed our stuff neatly and quietly. Then we slowly slipped our backpacks on.
Okay now we get out of here.
How are we suppose to get out of here Ari without the guards seeing us?
This hut is connected to a big tree trunk, we slide down it and were back in the woods that easy. So just follow me.
Liz nodded and began following me. I snuck over to the tree trunk in the back of the hut where none of the apes seemed to hang out. I grabbed onto Liz's hand and I held on tight to the oversize tree trunk. I slide down a little bit so Liz could climb on. When she did we began slowly sliding down the tree trunk. But we stopped when we heard ape gibbering, we looked up and saw baby chimps looking at us.
"Ssshhhhhhhhh" I said nervously to the baby chimps. The repeated what I did and started giggling. Liz and I then started sliding down some more.
*whispers* "Ari, we can jump off I see the ground, it's just a couple feet high"
"Okay" so I jumped off and landed safely but Liz on the other hand fell on her back and knocked the wind out of herself. I can tell she wanted to scream.
"Don't scream, calm down we're here"
"Okay!" She rolled over and I helped her up. Then we ran and we were happy we made it out safely.

*few moment later*

Liz and I stopped running because we were tired. We were realized that we made it out without being seen. I came to sudden stop when I noticed Ash and Blue Eyes right by a lake walking our way.
*whispers* "Go!"
*whispers* "Go where?"
"Behind the slope"
Liz and I hid behind the slope watching the apes who were still pretty close to us. And it looked like from what they were signing Ash was teasing Blue Eyes about the bear attack earlier.
Shut up Ash
What, I am quick
It's not that big of deal
From your scars it seems like a big deal
*Blue Eyes rolls his eyes* So what did you think of the humans?
We couldn't believe they were talking about us
The one with the weird hair seems cool and funny. I thought humans were ugly but she was kind of not ugly
Ya well I bet they think we're ugly
Ya, so what about you, you seemed into the other human girl?
She seems ... I don't know sweet. I mean she did save me and my father's life from that bear
They seem like good hunters
Ya *Blue Eyes smiles*
Do you ... like her, you seem awkward ...
No! She's human and Koba says humans are bad
Shut up Ash *gasps*
When I heard them gasp I pushed Liz back so we would be completely unseen from the apes. But I realized they didn't see us they saw another human. I started taking off my back pack.
"Ariana, what are you doing?"
"Do you not know who that is?"
"That's Carver, he can't be trusted ..."
I heard another gasp from the apes and I saw that Carved was holding a gun at them.
"I have to save them ... Liz stay here" I started running towards them
I heard Carver load his gun and I kept running
"NNOOOO!" as I hit Carver's arms away. A gunshot still went off and echoed.
"What are you doing?" Carver said
I looked around making sure no one was hurt and I saw Ash laying there with a cut shoulder. And I saw Carver lifting his gun at them again so I pushed him down the slope and he tumbled down on the dirt pathway.
"ASH!" Liz yelled as running to his side as Blue Eyes is screeching.
Carver got up and stomped towards me but was interrupted when Caesar and a large group of apes showed up with the weapons. Rocket rushed to Ash's side signing to Caesar
Humans shot my son Caesar, they shot Ash *glaring at Liz and I*
"Rocket wait ... Liz and I didn't shoot Ash it ... was him" I said as I pointed at Carver. Caesar and the scary bonobo started charging at Carver but I stopped them and stepped in front of them when Carver stomped closer to the apes.
"So this is where you freaks ended up" Carver said as he stood in front of me
Liz stood up behind me and yelled, "Why don't you just get out of here Carver!"
"Shut up Green!"
"Don't talk to her like that?" I said on fear because I know what Carver is capable of.
"Are you seriously protecting this animals Davis, they created the extinction of the entire planet"
"The apes never had a say in the matter, it was the scientists who started everything when they tried creating a dangerous Alzheimer's cure"
"Wow! Now you're voting against your kind. Now I know why you're outcasts"
"I'm not voting against my kind, I defending what side is right"
"Well you all make me sick to my stomach. And I have a job to finish so move"
He stepped closer to me, he wanted to get to the apes but I wouldn't let him. "NO!"
He ignored me and tried to push me but I brushed his hand off of me and he then swung his left hand and connected with my right cheek. The apes started to snarl at Carver. I stood there in shock holding my cheek, but I still didn't move. Carver then grabbed a hold of my neck then Liz, Caesar and Blue Eyes ran to him and pushed him off of me. I fell to the ground gasping for air.
"IF YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!" Liz said angerly to Carver as heavy foot steps were heard behind Carver.
Blue Eyes and Caesar helped me up and held tight to me so I wouldn't fall over.
"Carver what did you do?!" A familiar male said as he ran behind Carver. There was a long moment of silence.
I guess my plan of escape backfired on me and Liz quick. But I do feel safer with the apes.

Hope my readers are enjoying my story. Sorry if this chapter was to long for some of you. But I wanted to extend on the apes being protective of my character. ♡♡♡

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