Time with Blue Eyes

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We were having a great time hanging at the lake. I was sitting on this boulder while Blue Eyes was trying to catch fish with his hands but was failing hard.
"Catch a fish yet?" *giggles*
Haha very funny *smiles* Think you can do better?
"Yes I do!" I said as I got up and walked by Blue Eyes' s side and was looking for the right fish to grab. And with my first try I snatched a fish out of the water with my bare hands, and I grinned over at Blue Eyes.
Show off!
"Don't hate" he grabbed the fish from me and placed it on the ground next to his spear. I sat back down on the boulder wiping my hands as Blue Eyes crouched down on the ground and stared up at me.
"Do you want to sit up here?" I asked as I tapped a spot next to me.
No I need to do something
"What do you need to do?"
He slowly grabbed a handful of water from the lake and decided to splash it on me.
*playfully screams* "Blue Eyes!"
I ran to the water and splashed him with some water. Then we just went back and forth splashing each other. He then jolted towards me trying to push me into the water and succeeded but I ended up bringing him down with me. We both started laughing at each other as we were both sitting in the cold lake soaking wet. He slowly got up and grabbed my hand helping me out of the water. We both sat down on the boulder while I was shivering a little bit. Blue Eyes then wrapped one of his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.
Sorry I pushed you into the cold water
*laughs* "It's fine, I pulled you in with me so now we're even"
We both chuckle then we make eye contact with each other. He was admiring my eyes as I was admiring his. I felt him leaning forward to kiss me again but I shyed away from it and placed my forehead to his. He then grabbed the side of my face with his other hand staring down at my lips while grinning, trying to lean in again ...
"Blue we can't"
Why ... did Lake have something to do with it?
I froze in shock ... He knew something was up.
"Uh ..."
I told you I don't have any romantic relations with anyone
"I know but everytime I'm with you she seems jealous. Maybe you need to be with her, she seems into you" I said sadly as I brushed Blue Eyes off of me
I don't want to be with her. Yes she might like me but that's only because we were close when we were younger. It doesn't mean I have feelings for her
"I don't want to get in the middle of a love triangle Blue"
You won't ...
"You're the prince of this colony ... you deserve to be with an ape. Plus we haven't known each other as long as you and Lake"
Ari ...
"Goodbye Blue Eyes" I said as I left Blue Eyes at the lake and headed back to the ape colony.
I felt sad I had to do that to him but it was the right thing to do, he had to carry on the tradition of king to someone that could give him children.

*moments later*

When I arrived to the ape colony I heard a lot of gibbering but didn't know why, I approached Luca to ask him ...
"Hey Luca whats all the gibbering about?"
Human male came from city with others asking to work on a dam to give them power to the city. Caesar and some others went to check it out and gave them permission to do their work only if they don't have guns. And Koba was trying to protest against Caesar but Caesar put him back in his place
"They fought?"
No, Caesar leveled up to him. Reminding him basically who the leader is
"Oh ... well that's good to hear. I'm gonna head to my hut"
Before dinner?
"Ya ... night" I walked back to my hut still upset about what happened between Blue Eyes and I.
I entered my hut and plopped myself down in my bed, gazing at my twig roof. Right as Liz came crashing through my curtains ...
"How'd your day go?" She asked as she sat down next to me.
I leaned myself toward ... "It was alright"
"What happened?"
"Well I first talked to Caesar and asked him the 'what if question, and he said he didn't care as long as his child was happy"
"That's great news"
"Then I hung out with Blue Eyes the whole day and he tried to get romantic with me"
"Don't tease! ... I then told him it wouldn't work out" *sad*
"What? Why?"
"Because there was this female ape that seemed into Blue and knew him every since they were young. I couldn't get in between them"
*mopes* "I'm sorry"
"Thanks ... so what happened with you and Ash?"
"Well Rocket approached me and basically told me he knew about Ash and I having feelings for each other"
"Uh oh!"
"I was scared too. Until he told me he would be okay with it, but told me to not get to intimate with Ash until he figures out how to get other apes to except Ash's love for me"
"So it worked out great for you guys"
"Ya, Ash was ecstatic when I told him"
"I'm happy for you. He's great for you"
"Blue Eyes is great for you too"
*sighs* "Night Liz" I said as I layed down.
"Night" Liz said as she got up and walked out of my hut.
I thought about Blue Eyes that night, and it made me cry that I knew he would eventually move on ...


Discovering Planet of the Apes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora