Confrontation: Blue Eyes POV

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I awoke to hooting outside my father's old room window. It was Maurice and the other loyal apes, I signaled to them that I would be down in a second. As I quietly walked out I took one more look at my love before I had to leave her for little bit. My father was waiting for me at the bottom of the ladder to the attic, and we walked together to the door to greet the others. The other humans were awake as well because the male human was going to help lead us to Koba.
Koba already sent for the females and young. They're on the way ... mother too I signed to my father.
"Must go ... now!" He said to the male human.
I noticed that Ash reunited with Rocket but he was still recovering from his injury.
Ash you need to stay here to recover. Protect Ari for me, if she asks tell her we're going to the human tower.
Ash nodded to my command and walked back towards the door
Don't worry Blue Eyes, your girlfriend will be fine *playfully smirks*
"Girlfriend?" My father asked
We haven't made it official but I do love her father ...
As long as she makes you happy than I'm fine with it. She's a great person ... *smiles*
Rocket and I waved back to Ash as the male human started leading us to the human tower. We started entering what the male human said was a 'subway'. I stayed by my father's side as we walked through this tunnel making sure if he were to need assistance I would be there.
*gun shots* we all ducked as the gun shots were fired.
"Who's there! If you're human you better say so!" A distant voice said
"It's me it's Malcolm don't shoot!" The male human turned to us. *whispers* "The stairs take the stairs, they'll take you around up to the tower". We all looked behind us as he pointed to the stairs.
"Thank you" my father said.
"Trust" the male human replied.
My father and I lead the other apes up the stairs as quietly as we could so no other humans would notice us.
We made it to the top and in front of us were doors that looked like lead us back outside.
We went through the doors and saw the human tower, we all began to rush to the human tower.

*moment later*

The apes and I were climbing up the human and as we began reaching the top other apes started greeting us. My father was assisted by Luca when it looked like he started trembling, then in the distance stood Koba. Father started walking closer to him, making me sick to my stomach that I used to consider him my uncle.
"Caesar ... has ... no ... place here. Apes ... follow ... Koba now!"
"Follow ... Koba ... to war!"
"APES WIN WAR! APES ... TOGETHER ... STRONG! Caesar ... weak!"
"Koba ... weaker" *looks at Koba's gun*
Koba glances at the weapon in his hand then  screams as he throughs the gun, kicking my father of the ramp he was on. Then Koba started hitting my father knocking him off the second ramp but my father brought Koba down with him, throwing him into another ramp as they both fell.
Worried about my father I walked on a ramp until I saw my father in my sight. Seeing him laying there I started hooting towards him, and he then got up looking straight at me. We both looked at Koba noticing he had a cut on his side, when he touched it he screamed towards my father. Koba then found this metal bar and starting chasing my father with it.
Maurice, Rocket, Luca and I climbed up on this platform so we can get a full view of the action that was going down. My father grabbed something to shield him whenever Koba tried to strike him with the medle bar. Luckily my father was blocking every shot. I couldn't hear was was being said down there but it didn't seem good.
Then unexpectedly Koba hit the shield oitnof my father's hands, I became worried. Koba went to strike my father from above but my father punched him right in his cut, I hooted in excitement. My father hung to a bat above him and made Koba hit his own hut as he tried striking my father again. Both Koba and my father looked weak, my father tried to go after him again until Koba tried to knock a platform on him. They both fell off the stand they were on and grabbed onto metal chains saving them both. My father and Koba then tried to knock each other off the chains they were hanging too.
Below me I heard a loud boom along with a recognizable high pitched scream. Right away my thoughts went to Ariana and that she was in trouble.
Then fire struck up right by my father knocking both him and Koba off balance. I heard a noise above me and saw another platform falling towards us. Warning the others we ran to the edge of our platform avoiding getting hit by the fallen platform. All I heard was loud crashes and apes screeching as platforms continued to collapse.
I heard apes screeching for help also noticing my father was trying to help apes that were stuck. Worried for those apes I rushed down to my father as quickly as I can.
When I got there I hooted to get my father's attention and we gently pushed the platform off of those apes. We began assisting the apes up until webheatd gun shots, causing all of us to duck. I rushed behind something that can keep me shielded noticing it was Koba who was firing shots. Rushingly I took a hold of my father's arm and pulled him next to me as I saw an ape fall to his death as Koba fired his shots.
To the right of me I noticed a pile of metal bars connected to one another. I ran to it, grabbed a hold of it and tossed it to Koba. Causing him to get knocked off balance. He pointed his gun in my direction causing me to run back by my father only to notice that Maurice had been shot. I ran to Maurice assisting him up as my father charged towards Koba completely knocking him down. Rocket and I were able to get Maurice up both noticing that Koba was handing of the edge.
"Ape ... not kill ... ape!" Koba said to my father as having from the edge. My father than began lifting Koba up causing me to worry. He looked over at Maurice, seeing that Koba shot him on the side of his face, causing him to get angry.
"You are ... not ape!" My father said as he let go of Koba's hand causing him to plummet to his death. We all stood there in silence as my father stood up proud, others hooted as they pointed out the females and the young approaching.
I quickly started following others as they went to the females and young, wanting to be with my Ari right now. 

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