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As I was slowly waking up, I felt pain on my hips. Then I remembered what Blue Eyes and I did. I slightly smiled as I got up from my moss bed and walked outside my hut.
"There you are!" Liz shouted
*groans* "Yup, I had a good nap"
"You slept the whole day"
"What do you mean!"
"Well yesturday is when you went to take your nap and you then woke up today"
"Dang! I must've been tired!"
"Ya having sex with an ape will take it out of you" *smiles*
"So why aren't you with Ash?"
"Him and Blue Eyes went to a ape council meeting"
"I thought we can be apart of those meetings now?"
"We can! But I'll let him have his time"
"Ya sometimes wives need a little time to themselves"
"Exactly! So you wanna take a walk down to the lake?"
We both made our way down to the lake. But I had a weird feeling as we made it to the shore.
"You okay Ari?"
"I just have this feeling we're being ... being watched"
"Don't work yourself up"
"You're right"
"Hey I never knew that this lake connects to a waterfall"
"It does?"
"Ya, Ash told me"
We both chuckled as we heard ape hooting. Then behind us were two unrecognizable apes. They began walking closer to us causing Liz to cling to my arm.
"So! You're the humans ... that killed our father!" One of them said
"K...Koba?!" I asked
"Yes!" The other ape shouted as they continued getting closer.
"You're father died because he betrayed Caesar and tried starting a war. So he basically killed himself!" Liz shouted at the apes
"Ky! Why don't you ... teach that human some manners!" The bigger ape said to the slightly smaller ape
"Back off!" I said to the ape stepping closer to Liz.
"Tick! Maybe you ... need to teach ... that human manners too!" The small ape said to the bigger ape.
Both apes ran up to us as Liz and I tried to run. Ky took a hold of Liz while Tick grabbed me. I tried to scream but Tick covered my mouth and pushed me up against a tree. Fighting against his grib I couldn't see or hear Liz which made me fight against Tick.
"LIZ!" I screamed as I punched Tick in the face causing him to release me.
I still didn't hear Liz but I tried to run from Tick, he sadly caught up to me and jumped on my back. He held a tight grip on my hands so I wouldn't be able to hit him. I was still trying to kick him off of me but it wasn't working.
"BLUE EYES!!" I screamed hoping he would find me.
Tick then started squeezing my breast making me start to cry as I kept screaming Blue Eyes' s name.
"I can do you better... than your husband" he whispers in my ear causing me to kick and scream some more.
He put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream anymore. His hands made it to my bottom as he brushed his hand over it. I then bit his hand causing him to remove his hand from my mouth but he sent a punch to the side of my head, causing me to get really light-headed. My vision became blurry but soon he got hit off of me. I took a deep breath and turned around to see who my hero is, it was Luca.
I stood up as I ran into Luca's arms thanking him for saving me. Soon I saw Caesar, Rocket, Ash, and Maurice running to me. I quickly ran to Caesar as I cried, he wrapped both of his arms around me in comfort. We all froze when we heard a scream in the distance ...
"Liz. It's Liz!" I shouted as Ash and Rocket rushed to the sound.
"We're going to take you to my hut" Caesar said as he pulled me in his direction. Along with Luca taking a hold of Tick as he roughly brought him with us.
*sniffles* "Where's Blue Eyes!"
He traveled to the city to meet up with Malcolm this morning Caesar signed.
I turned towards Luca who was grabbing Tick by the back of his neck, followed by Maurice walking behind us.
"Why is he coming with us?"
"So I can ... figure out what to do with him!" Caesar said.
We arrived at the ape colony as all of the apes stared at us. Then we all made our way up to Caesar's hut as I was greeted by Cornelia. She set me down on the floor next to her as Caesar, Maurice and Luca shoved Tick into a corner.
Sister got hurt? Cornelius signed
I sniffled and started crying as Cornelia hugged me tightly.
*cries* "I was screaming Blue Eyes' s name"
He won't hurt you again because my son will be right by your side
Caesar than approached us as Maurice watched Tick, Luca went back to guard the entrance.
Let's try not to tell my son about this right away Caesar signed
"What ... why?!"
Because we know if he were to find out while Tick was in his presence he would try to kill him
All I could do was nod my head very nervously. We then heard someone running up the ramp to this hut very fast. The ape crashed through the curtains ... it was Blue Eyes. He had rage in his eyes, I got up quickly to calm him down. Tick was in his eyesight and Blue ran passed me and jumped Tick. I stood by Cornelia as Caesar ran to his son as he viciously beat Tick up.
Caesar was able to pull Blue Eyes off as Maurice held Tick back. Blue Eyes then ran to me and hugged me tightly as he cried on my shoulder. I hugged him tightly back ...
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you
*huffs* "It's okay ... I'm fine now"
Maurice started walking Tick out as he glared at Blue Eyes.
"What are you guys gonna do with him?"
They're going to live far from this colony. But if you go out, bring Blue Eyes with you
I nodded to Caesar's command. Blue than walked me out so we can head back to our hut.
As we started arriving we met up with Ash and Liz.
"Are you okay Liz?"
"Ya ... Ky wasn't able to take advantage of me, he just kept punching me ... Are you okay?"
"I'm a little shaking up, but I'll be fine"
Blue than took me into our hut and laid me down on our bed. He then started massaging my back as he placed his head on mine.
I'll never let you out of my sight again
All I could do was cry. "I promise not to leave your sight"
He kissed me on my forehead
"And to answer your question from yestuday, I thought it was amazing"
Would you do it again?
*chuckles* "Definitely! I love being your comfort!"
*smiles* I'm sorry...
"Shhhh! Stop apologizing!"
*smiles* Sorry
We both laughed as I rolled on top of him and started kissing him. He pulled the blanket over us as I started undressing myself ... and we had another pleasurable moment with one another. The difference with this one was I allowed him to pick up the pace ...

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