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We all stood there in silence. I was still in shock from Carver attacking me and Liz was still angry at him for hurting me. While apes just stared at the new group of humans.
"We don't mean any harm!" A male voice said.
"Oh ya! Then why did you attack my friend and try to hurt the apes!" Liz said as she pointed to Carver.
None of the humans answered ...
"HUMAN GIRL BRING OTHER HUMANS HERE TO KILL US!" the scarred chimp said, followed by other apes hooting.
Koba ... female humans don't get along with others Caesar signed.
I gained my strength back and brushed Caesar's and Blue Eyes' s hands off of me letting them know they didn't need to hold me up anymore.
"GO!" Caesar screamed to the other humans.
"GO!" Koba also screamed.
Carver and his group ran back wherever they came from and I pointed out to Caesar that their was a bag on the ground. The orangutan walked down and then grabbed the bag and started walking back to the ape colony.
Koba ... follow them Caesar signed, and Koba gladly followed his command as Liz and I went with the other apes back to the colony.

*moments later*

We all arrived at the ape colony and the ape council were about to have a meeting. So Caesar told the orangutan to send us to his hut while they have their meeting.
I'm Maurice he finger spelled to us.
"I'm Lizzie, this is Ariana" as she pointed to me. My throat still hurt so I didn't talk much, I was still a little shaken up.
When we arrived at Caesar's hut, I saw other apes surrounding one ape who had what looked like a small crown on her forehead. It came to my assumption that she was Caesar's wife ... she looked sick. She was holding a smaller chimp, she must've just had a baby recently.
I think she's sick I signed to Liz, who saw the sick ape and started frowning.
We walked over to the group of apes and they started hooting and glaring at us. We knelt down to their level slowly.
"We want to help" Liz said to the apes.
Liz, can you try finding some herbs in the woods I signed to Liz. She nodded and ran off.
You know sign? One of the nurse apes signed.
*cleared throat* "Yes ... I do. And so does my friend ... How long has she been sick"
Since this morning she signed back.
"Liz will pick up some healing herbs, and I can help her feel better quicker. I know some remedies"
How do we know we can trust you? Another female ape signed.
I froze, I wanted them to trust me but how. Then out of nowhere, the baby chimp jumped on my lap and started playing with my shirt. It made me smile and giggle inside, I started petting him on his head gently.
"I don't know! But just know I'm not a bad person. I can prove to you I'm harmless when I help ... her" *pointing to the sick ape*
Her name is Cornelia. She's the queen, Caesar's our king ... they have an eldest son Blue Eyes who is the prince. And that's Cornelius *pointing to the baby chimp* the second prince
"Whats your name?"
Zuma the head female ape finger spelled.
"I'm Ariana, my friend's name is Liz. She should be back any second now"
I heard loud hooting outside the hut and Liz got pushed in by a group of apes. Including Rocket, Ash, and Blue Eyes who were glaring at us. Caesar burst through the crowd looking kind of angry ...
"Why was human escaping?" Caesar said as he pointed to the frightened Liz.
"Ariana sent me out to get herbs" *nervously*
"For your wife, I realized she's sick"
I just heard silence, knowing that none of the apes trusted us because they kept glaring at us.
Liz sat down next to me and spread out the herbs for me. Blue Eyes then out of nowhere ran next me and snarled, snatching his little brother away from me and ran back behind his father.
Caesar slowly walked up and crouched next to me as I started putting together a healing herb for Cornelia. I got done making the herbs into something she could drink, as I handed it to one of the nurse apes, Zuma got Cornelia's attention. Showing her the herb mixture, leaning her forward so it can be easier for her to drink.
Some apes left the hut, while Caesar's lieutenant apes stayed and crouched next to him including his son.
You will pay if you poison my mother Blue Eyes signed
"I'm just trying to help her" I said as I glared at Blue Eyes.
You tried to help us too, then Ash ended up getting shot
"I saved Ash's and your life thank you very much"
*rolls eyes* Girl is stubborn he signed to Ash, as they both giggled
I turned back to Cornelia as she layed back down after taking the herbs. I felt upset that I was getting blamed for trying to help. Liz saw my face and decided to step in ...
"You wanna talk about stubborn ...!"
"Liz stop! *sighs* It's not worth the aggravation" I said as I got up and walked out of the hut, knowing everyone's eyes were on me.
Liz glared at Ash and Blue Eyes and decided to leave too. As she left Blue Eyes looked at Ash and they both had a sad look on their faces.
I'm disappointed in you boys ... that's no way to treat a girl. She was just trying to earn our trust Zuma signed.
Why would they want to earn our trust? Did they do something bad? Rocket signed
"No!" Caesar said. They want our trust because they can't rely on anyone else ... because they have no one else...

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