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It's been a few months since Blue Eyes and I found out we were having our first baby. Zuma said it's really close to my due date so Blue has been anxious.
Will it have blue eyes?
"I don't know!"
Is it a boy or girl?
"Blue Eyes please shut up!"
"I get you're excited, so am I. But asking twenty questions isn't helping"
He walked over to me and put his head to mine as he felt my stomach.
Your stomach looks big
"Wow! That's something every girl wants to hear!"
Really?! *smiles*
"Don't get hit!"
We both laughed but as I was laughing my stomach began hurting a lot. So Blue took me to Zuma.
Cornelia helped me prepare for the birth, putting me in the right position for the delivery. Than in the distance I heard Jazz gibbering.
"Awe, my bestie is about to have her baby"
"Not now Liz!"
Cornelia started leaning me forward as I grabbed onto Blue Eyes and Liz. Huge pains started traveling through my hips as I was pushing.
I stopped pushing to catch my breath "I can't do it anymore it hurts" *cries*
"Ari, you're giving birth to a chimp not a human. You have one more push" Liz shouted as I was crying.
I nodded to her command and pushed with all my strength as the pain disappeared. Than below me I heard a baby chimp crying, Cornelia helped lean me forward as Zuma handed me my baby.
"It's a girl Blue" I said as I was crying tears of joy, Blue Eyes began rubbing the baby's head gently. I then placed our baby girl into Blue's arms.
She's beautiful Cornelia signed.
Caesar than walked in as he saw his son holding his own child. He knelt down besides us.
That's going to be your little cousin Ash signed to Jazz.
"Congrats Ari" Liz said as she hugged me. Than our baby girl started opening her eyes and ... they were blue.
"Her eyes are blue!" I said as Blue and I gazed at each other. He then handed me back out baby as we kissed.
"What?" *smiles*
I like the name Sky
"So do I!"
"Welcome to the royal ... Family Sky!" Caesar said as we all looked at new baby Sky.
This was my family ... And I loved every single one of them.

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