Lost: part 3

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I was weak, my vision was becoming blurry, I knew I was dying.
"Ari I need you to stay with me! I'm gonna get you and Ash out of here safely!"
*weak heavy breathing* "What ... happened ... to Ash?"
She places my left hand on my bleeding neck. "Koba threw him off a balcony. He has a couple broken bones but he'll be fine. Now I need you to hold on to this tight okay"
I nodded my head as Liz lifted me up as I tried to walk. She helped Ash up as well keeping an arm around both of us.
We made it safely out of the human colony and started walking, I began trembling over my feet but I was still fighting to keep my eyes open. My heart felt like it was pounding outside of my chest as I felt my breathing slowing down.
"Come on Ari you have to stay with me!"
I was fighting to help her but it was hard, Ash was able to withstand himself but I was over here dying. We were walking up a short hill and I saw an outline of a car in my blurred vision.
*breathy* "Car"
"What! ... what Ari!"
I pointed towards that direction as much as I could, "Car!"
"Oh my god! C'mon guys stay with me, you guys are gonna get the help you need!"
We walked up to the house that had the car parked in front of it, Liz was banging on the door with her foot. I began closing my eyes, I felt tired as I leaned against the door. We waited there for a second, having doubts that someone would be there in an abandoned house. Then ... someone opened the door I couldn't see who it was but we rushed in. I peered around the corner and my vision seemed clear, it was Blue Eyes and Caesar. Liz accidently let go of me and I fell to the ground, the last thing I saw were figures hovering over me. They looked like my mom, my dad and my sister, I smiled right before my vision went black ...

Discovering Planet of the Apes Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ